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2018 The zoogeographic regions of the Aegean Sea: A multi-taxon approach.

Triantis, K.A., Kougioumoutzis, K., Legakis, A., Anastasiou, I., Andriopoulos, P., Georgiadis, C., Lymberakis, P., Oikonomou, A., Probonas, N., Proios, K., Spaneli, V., Simaiakis, S. M, Trichas, A., Trigas, P., Vardinoyannis, K., Sfenthourakis, S. (2018) The zoogeographic regions of the Aegean Sea: A multi-taxon approach. In S. Sfenthourakis, P. Pafilis, A. Parmakelis, N. Poulakakis & K. A Triantis (Eds.), Biogeography and Biodiversity of the Aegean. In honour of Prof. Moysis Mylonas. (pp. 279-290). Nicosia: Cyprus, Broken Hill Publishers Ltd