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Apostolos Trichas

Curator of the Arthropods Division

Status Laboratory Teaching Staff
Phone No. +302810393274
Office Γ205 (White Buildings, Knossou Campus)

Research interests

  • Biogeography
  • Phylogeny
  • Ecology and Systematics of Coleoptera, Orthoptera and other groups of Insects and Arachnids in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Monitoring/management of the Greek rare or endemic Arthropod species, invasive species in Greece and importance evaluations on species of Medical
  • Forensic/Agricultural/Forestry nature, etc.


Recent Publications


2024 New and noteworthy records of saproxylic beetles (Coleoptera) from Crete (Greece)

Bolanakis, G., Makris, C., Trichas, A. (2024) New and noteworthy records of saproxylic beetles (Coleoptera) from Crete (Greece). Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa” (Accepted)

2023 First record of Chlorophorus herbstii (Brahm, 1790) in Greece and new localities of Xylosteus bartoni Obenberger & Mařan, 1933 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)

Bolanakis, G., Trichas, A. (2023) First record of Chlorophorus herbstii (Brahm, 1790) in Greece and new localities of Xylosteus bartoni Obenberger & Mařan, 1933 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Silva Balcanica, 24(3), 95-100

2023 A review of Eupholidoptera (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae)

Willemse, L., Tilmans, J., Kotitsa, N., Trichas, A., Heller, K.G., Chobanov, D., Odé, B. (2023) A review of Eupholidoptera (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) from Crete, Gavdos, Gavdopoula, and Andikithira. ZooKeys1151, 67-158

2020 Review of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Crete, with keys to species determination and zoogeographical remarks.

Salata, S., Borowiec, L., Trichas, A. (2020) Review of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Crete, with keys to species determination and zoogeographical remarks. Monographs of the Upper Silesian Museum, 12, 5-96.

2020 How estimated ant diversity is biased by the sampling method? A case study of Crete: a Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot.

Salata, S., Kalarus, K., Borowiec, L., Trichas, A., Kujawa, K. (2020) How estimated ant diversity is biased by the sampling method? A case study of Crete: a Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot. Biodivers Conserv., 29(9-10), 3031–3050.

Short CV

Apostolos Trichas completed his studies in Biology in 1985 at the University of Belgrade (Department of Biology) and at the University of Crete (Postgraduate Diploma in Zoology, 1987 and Ph.D. in 1997, in Ecology and Biogeography of Ground Coleoptera in the South Aegean).

Today, he is the Curator of the Arthropod collections of the Museum of Natural History of Crete (University of Crete) and Laboratory Academic Staff at the School of Sciences & Engineering of the University of Crete.

As a specialist in Coleoptera (PhD) his research interests focus on Phylogeny, Ecology, Biogeography and Systematics of many beetle families in the Eastern Mediterranean, but also other groups of insects. He has participated in more than 50 field expeditions in Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean countries and has organized many field samplings in Crete, in the framework of research programs or student education. All of the above activities have also resulted in over two million arthropod specimens, being stored, classified in databases and scientifically processed, in the Museum’s collections. A. Trichas is the author of many new species of arthropods in Crete and Greece and is actively involved in the research and publication of articles related to Fauna, Biogeography, Phylogeny, etc. of insects in the Aegean and Crete, as well as the monitoring/management of rare or endemic species in the above area. He also participates in research in the monitoring and management of invasive species for the Greek area and importance evaluations on species of Medical/Forensic/Agricultural/Forestry nature.

He has participated in more than 25 national and international scientific programs related to the Biodiversity of the Arthropods of Crete and other Mediterranean regions since 1994, with main object of recording, monitoring and management, he is author of more than 30 international scientific publications and book chapters on Arthropods, 50 scientific announcements in international and Greek conferences, while he is participating as a reviewer of scientific articles in the Journal of Biogeography, Biodiversity and Conservation, Biological Conservation, Entomologia Hellenica, etc ..

He is regular lecturer at the Biology Dept of the University of Crete (from 1997 to 2004 as Adjunct Lecturer and from 2014-present as Laboratory Academic Staff in the School of Sciences and Engineering of the University of Crete) with lectures on General Zoology, Insect Biodiversity, Biogeography and Insect Fauna of Greece. Since 2000 he has supervised more than 15 Bachelor theses and 4 Master theses (Ecology and Phylogeny of Cretan and Greek Arthropod species).

Bio CV


2023 Κατανεμημένο σύστημα μετάβασης επιστημονικών συλλογών στο έργο ERIC – DiSSCo Transition

Distributed System of Scientific Collections Transition to ERIC Project – DiSSCo Transition
P.I.: Petros Lymberakis
Duration: 1/12/2023 - 31/5/2024
Funding: European Commission / HORIZON 2020 (6,622.50 €)

2023 Καταγραφή της βιοποικιλότητας ασπόνδυλων οργανισμών και της παρουσίας του ανθρώπου στις βραχονησίδες του Αιγαίου

Monitoring the biodiversity of invertebrate organisms and the human presence on the rocky islands of the Aegean
P.I.: Michalis Probonas
Duration: 1/11/2023 – 11/4/2025
Funding: Natural Environment & Climate Change Agency (N.E.C.C.A.) (103,790.32 €)

2022 Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE). HORIZON EUROPE, Type HORIZON-RIA. Coordinator: NATURALIS (Netherlands)

Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE). HORIZON EUROPE, Type HORIZON-RIA. Coordinator: NATURALIS (Netherlands)
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration:18/10/2022 - 28/2/2026
Funding: HORIZON EUROPE, Type HORIZON-RIA (221,238.75€)

2021 Το Αρχιπέλαγος του Αιγαίου: ένα ζωντανό εργαστήριο εξελικτικής βιολογίας

The Aegean Archipelago, an active evolutionary biology lab<
P.I.: Iasmi Stathi
Duration: 17/5/2021 - 17/5/2022
Funding: European Society of Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) Outreach Initiative Funds (4,000.00 €)

2019 Εκπόνηση ΕΠΜ και ΣΔ για τις περιοχές του Δικτύου Natura 2000 της Περιφέρειας Κρήτης – Μελέτη 9

Εlaboration of Special Environmental Studies and Management Plans for the areas of the Natura 2000 Network in the Region of Crete - Study 9
P.I.: Michalis Probonas
21/5/2019 - 30/6/2023
Funding: OIKOM Environmental Studies Ltd.(100,433.16 €)

2018 «Ελληνικά Σπήλαια και Νυχτερίδες: Διαχειριστικές Δράσεις και Αλλαγή Συμπεριφοράς» («Greek Caves and Bats: Management Actions and Change of Attitude», LIFE17 NAT/GR/000522 – LIFE GRECABAT

«Greek Caves and Bats: Management Actions and Change of Attitude» (LIFE17 NAT/GR/000522 – LIFE GRECABAT)
P.I.: Michalis Probonas
Duration: 1/9/2018 - 31/8/24
Funding: E.U. (517,908.00 €)

2013 Καταγραφή και Παρακολούθηση Ειδών Πανίδας της Οδηγίας 92/43/ΕΟΚ και Άλλων Προστατευόμενων Ειδών και Οικοτόπων

Recording and Monitoring of Fauna Species of Directive 92/43/EEC and Other Protected Species and Habitats
P.I.: Michalis Probonas
Duration: 18/2/2013 - 30/6/2018
Funding: Management Body of Samaria National Park (119,174.30 €)

2012 Παρακολούθηση αμφιβίων, ερπετών, ασπόνδυλων και χειρόπτερων της προστατευόμενης περιοχής Καρπάθου – Σαρίας.

Monitoring of amphibians and reptiles in Karpathos and Saria islands
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 1/9/2012 - 31/12/2016
Funding: OIKOM Environmental Studies Ltd. (28,119.63 €)

2010 Natural Europe- Φυσική ιστορία & περιβαλλοντική πολιτιστική κληρονομιά στις ψηφιακές Ευρωπαϊκές βιβλιοθήκες για την εκπαίδευση

Νatural Europe (Natural History & Environmental Cultural Heritage in European Digital Libraries for Education)
P.I.: Katerina Voreadi
Duration: 1/10/2010 - 1/9/2013
Funding: European Commission (Ε.C.) (200,000.00 €)

2009 ΕΠΜ Δήμου Φρε

Elaboration of a Special Environmental Study (SES) for the area of the Municipality of Fre, Place of Outstanding Natural Beauty (T.I.F.K.) with code number AT6020017
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
Duration: 1/1/2010 - 31/3/2010
Funding: Municipality of Fre, Prefecture of Chania (15,000.00 €)


Techno-economic study for the Natural History Museum of Cyprus.
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
Duration: 21/3/2008 - 21/6/2008
Funding: RPF Cyprus (30,247.57 €)

2008 Παρακολούθηση στοιχείων χλωρίδας και πανίδας και σύγκριση της με τις γειτονικές φυσικές περιοχές της ευρύτερης περιοχής του ΧΥΤΑ Χανίων

Monitoring floral and fauna elements at the proximity of waste management facilities
P.I.: Petros Lymberakis
Duration: 6/11/2008 - 5/11/2009
Funding: Intermunicipal organization for waste management (10,472.00 €)

2008 Μουσειολογικός σχεδιασμός και εγκατάσταση εκθεσιακού υλικού στο Κέντρο Πληροφόρησης Εθνικού Δρυμού Λευκών Ορέων στο Ξυλόσκαλο

Museological design and installation of exhibition material at the Information Center of Lefka Ori National Park in Xyloskalo
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
Duration: 19/6/2008 - 19/10/2008
Funding: Forest Service of Chania (105,590.28 €)

2008 Μελέτη καταγραφής πανίδας περιοχής Δήμου Νέας Κυδωνίας

Fauna recording study of the Municipality of Nea Kydonia
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
Duration: 1/10/2008 - 4/10/2008
Funding: Municipality of Nea Kydonia (1,998.60 €)

2008 Επικαιροποίηση και ανάδειξη βιοποικιλότητας και πολιτισμού Κουναβιανού Αστρακιανού και Φαράγγι Καρτερού και αποτύπωση τους σε διαδικτυακό και διαδραστικό χάρτη

Updating and highlighting the biodiversity and culture of Kounavianos gorge, Astrakianos gorge and Karteros gorge and mapping them on an online and interactive map
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
Duration: 15/10/2008 - 15/3/2009
Funding: Municipality of N. Kazantzakis (6,582.00 €)

2006 Μελέτη και προβολή φυσικού περιβάλλοντος Χαλκιδικής με χρήση σύγχρονων εποπτικών μέσων και μεθοδολογιών

Study and enhancement of the Natural Environment of Chalkidiki using modern methodologies and approaches.
P.I.: Charalampos Fassoulas
Duration: 21/11/2006 - 31/7/2007
Funding: Municipality of Arnaia Chalkidikis (11,900.00 €)

2004 Traveling Cyber – Scientists

Traveling Cyber - Scientists
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
Duration: 1/4/2004 - 31/12/2005
Funding: University of Yale (4,943.01 €)

2003 Παρακολούθηση, διαχείριση προστατευόμενων ειδών πανίδας, χλωρίδας και οικοτόπων της νήσου Χρυσής, Δήμου Ιεράπετρας Κρήτης. Δράση για την ενημέρωση και περιβαλλοντική εκπαίδευση

Monitoring and conservation of protected flora and fauna species and ecotopes of Chrysi island, Municipality of Ierapetra, Crete. Action for information and environmental education.
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
Duration: 2/2/2004 - 2004
Funding: Municipality of Ierapetra (4,853.74 €)

2003 Δημιουργία γραφείου ενημέρωσης για τη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη και το περιβάλλον στο Νομό Λασιθίου

Creation of information office for the sustainable development and the environment at Perfecture of Lasithi.
P.I.: Apostolos Trichas
Duration: 28/5/2003 - 31/12/2004
Funding: Prefecture of Lasithi (7,500.00 €)

2002 Πρωτοβουλία συνεργασίας του Μουσείου Φυσικής Ιστορίας Κρήτης και του Μουσείου Φυσικής Ιστορίας του Πανεπιστημίου του Yale

Initiative of cooperation between the Natural History Museum of Crete and the Natural History Museum of Yale University
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
Duration: 1/4/2002 - 31/3/2005
Funding: Foundation S. Niarchos (685,911.74 €)

2002 Digital artistic and ecological heritage exchange transcontinental guidance and exploration in globally shared cultural heritage.

Digital artistic and ecological heritage exchange transcontinental guidance and exploration in globally shared cultural heritage.
P.I.: George Tziritas
1/4/2002 - 31/3/2005
Funding: European Commission (Ε.C.) (419,880.00)

2001 Αξιολόγηση φυσικού περιβάλλοντος της ευρύτερης περιοχής του Δημοτικού διαμερίσματος Καλαμαύκας, Δήμος Ιεράπετρας, Λασίθι, Κρήτη

Evaluation of the natural environment of the greater region of Kalamafka, Municipality of Ierapetra, Lasithi, Crete.
P.I.: Charalampos Fassoulas
Duration: 10/9/2001 - 31/12/2002
Funding: Prefecture of Lasithi (58,694.04 €)

1999 Προστασία και διαχείριση του ορεινού όγκου Ροδόπης

Protection and Conservation of Rodopi mountain range.
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
Duration: 1999 - 2001
Funding: Prefecture of Drama (246,544 €)

1999 Ν. Αιγαίο – Κρήτης – Κύπρος Συνεργασία Περιβάλλον και Ανάπτυξη INTERREG II

South Aegean-Crete-Cyprus. Cooperation for the Environment and the Development.(INTEREG II).
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
Duration: 13/10/1999 - 31/12/2000
Funding: Region of Crete (58,008.54 €)

1999 Έρευνα ιστορικών, αρχαιολογικών και γεωλογικών στοιχείων και του εν γένει περιβάλλοντος της νήσου Χρυσής

Survey of historical, archaeological and geological data as well as the environment of Chrysi island.
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
Duration: 15/12/1999 - 31/8/2000
Funding: Municipality of Ierapetra (36,038.58 €)

Research papers


2024 New and noteworthy records of saproxylic beetles (Coleoptera) from Crete (Greece)

Bolanakis, G., Makris, C., Trichas, A. (2024) New and noteworthy records of saproxylic beetles (Coleoptera) from Crete (Greece). Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa” (Accepted)

2023 First record of Chlorophorus herbstii (Brahm, 1790) in Greece and new localities of Xylosteus bartoni Obenberger & Mařan, 1933 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)

Bolanakis, G., Trichas, A. (2023) First record of Chlorophorus herbstii (Brahm, 1790) in Greece and new localities of Xylosteus bartoni Obenberger & Mařan, 1933 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Silva Balcanica, 24(3), 95-100

2023 A review of Eupholidoptera (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae)

Willemse, L., Tilmans, J., Kotitsa, N., Trichas, A., Heller, K.G., Chobanov, D., Odé, B. (2023) A review of Eupholidoptera (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) from Crete, Gavdos, Gavdopoula, and Andikithira. ZooKeys1151, 67-158

2020 Review of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Crete, with keys to species determination and zoogeographical remarks.

Salata, S., Borowiec, L., Trichas, A. (2020) Review of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Crete, with keys to species determination and zoogeographical remarks. Monographs of the Upper Silesian Museum, 12, 5-96.

2020 How estimated ant diversity is biased by the sampling method? A case study of Crete: a Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot.

Salata, S., Kalarus, K., Borowiec, L., Trichas, A., Kujawa, K. (2020) How estimated ant diversity is biased by the sampling method? A case study of Crete: a Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot. Biodivers Conserv., 29(9-10), 3031–3050.

2020 Dispersal versus vicariance in the Aegean: combining molecular and morphological phylogenies of eastern Mediterranean Dendarus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) sheds new light on the phylogeography of the Aegean area.

Trichas, A., Smirli, M., Papadopoulou, M., Anastasiou, I., Keskin, B., Poulakakis, N. (2020) Dispersal versus vicariance in the Aegean: combining molecular and morphological phylogenies of eastern Mediterranean Dendarus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) sheds new light on the phylogeography of the Aegean area. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 190(3), 824–843.

2018 Taxonomic Revision of the Cretan Fauna of the Genus Temnothorax Mayr, 1861 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with Notes on the Endemism of Ant Fauna of Crete.

Salata, S., Borowiec, L., Trichas, A. (2018) Taxonomic Revision of the Cretan Fauna of the Genus Temnothorax Mayr, 1861 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with Notes on the Endemism of Ant Fauna of Crete. Annales Zoologici, 68(4), 769-808.

2018 First record of Xylotrechus chinensis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Greece and in the EPPO region.

Leivadara, E., Leivadaras, I., Vontas, I., Trichas, A., Simoglou, K., Roditakis, E., Avtzis, D.N. (2018) First record of Xylotrechus chinensis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Greece and in the EPPO region. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin, 48(2), 277–280.

2018 First record of Steraspis squamosa (KLUG, 1829) in Europe (Greece, Crete) (Coleoptera, Buprestidae).

Bolanakis, I., Trichas, A. (2018) First record of Steraspis squamosa (KLUG, 1829) in Europe (Greece, Crete) (Coleoptera, Buprestidae). Nachr. Bl. bayer. Ent., 67(3/4), 108-111.

2017 First assessment on the molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of the species Gnaptor boryi distributed in Greece (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae).

Gkontas, I., Papadaki, S., Trichas, A., Poulakakis, N._x000D_ (2017) First assessment on the molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of the species Gnaptor boryi distributed in Greece (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part A, 28(6), 927-934.

Books - Chapters in Books


2018 The zoogeographic regions of the Aegean Sea: A multi-taxon approach.

Triantis, K.A., Kougioumoutzis, K., Legakis, A., Anastasiou, I., Andriopoulos, P., Georgiadis, C., Lymberakis, P., Oikonomou, A., Probonas, N., Proios, K., Spaneli, V., Simaiakis, S. M, Trichas, A., Trigas, P., Vardinoyannis, K., Sfenthourakis, S. (2018) The zoogeographic regions of the Aegean Sea: A multi-taxon approach. In S. Sfenthourakis, P. Pafilis, A. Parmakelis, N. Poulakakis & K. A Triantis (Eds.), Biogeography and Biodiversity of the Aegean. In honour of Prof. Moysis Mylonas. (pp. 279-290). Nicosia: Cyprus, Broken Hill Publishers Ltd

2018 Tenebrionid beetles of the Aegean Archipelago: Historical review, current knowledge and future directions.

Anastasiou, I., Papadopoulou, A., Trichas, A. (2018) Tenebrionid beetles of the Aegean Archipelago: Historical review, current knowledge and future directions. In S. Sfenthourakis, P. Pafilis, A. Parmakelis, N. Poulakakis & K. A Triantis (Eds.), Biogeography and Biodiversity of the Aegean. In honour of Prof. Moysis Mylonas. (pp. 151-167). Nicosia: Cyprus, Broken Hill Publishers Ltd

2015 Crete: a continent in an island (B. Petre, Trans. In engl.).

Tsantilis, D. (2015) Crete: a continent in an island (B. Petre, Trans. in engl.). In A. Trichas, & M. Mylonas (Eds.) (English editing K. Vardinoyannis), (pp.276.). Natural History Museum of Crete, University of Crete ISBN: 978-960-367-037-7

2013 Ecotouristic guide of Sitia nature park (in greek and in english).

Fassoulas, C. (Coord.), Staridas, S., Perakis, N., Mavroudi, N., Trichas, A., Avramakis, M., Perakis, V., Mavrokosta, C. (2013) Ecotouristic guide of Sitia nature park (in greek and in english)., (pp.128.), Natural History Museum of Crete - University of Crete; Sitia Nature Park, ISBN: 978-ISBN:960-367-034-6, ISBN: 978-960-367-035-3

2011 Elements of Biogeography of Aegean islets (in greek).

Lymberakis, P., Trichas, A. (2011) Elements of Biogeography of Aegean islets (in greek). In K. Chatzimichalis (Eds.), Greekscapes (in greek). (pp. 254-256.). Melissa Publishing House

2008 The Geological Heritage of Psiloritis (Gr, En) (G. Owens, Trans.)

Fassoulas, C., Trichas, A., Avramakis, E. (Vardinogiannis, K. Text Check) (2008) The Geological Heritage of Psiloritis (Gr, En) (G. Owens, Trans.), (pp.155.), Psiloritis Natural Park, AKOMM; Psiloritis Development OTA S.A., Anogia, Crete, Greece

2004 East Crete Natura 2000 (in greek and in english).

Trichas, A. (Ed.). (2004) East Crete Natura 2000 (in greek and in english)., (pp.86.), Prefecture of Lassithi; Natural History Museum of Crete, ISBN: 960-367-016; ISBN: 960-367-015-4

A Review of Geophilid Centipedes (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha: Geophilidae) collected in the Aegean Archipelago: A Hidden Treasure at the Natural History Museum of Crete.

Kardaki, L., Nikolakakis, M., Trichas, A., Georgopoulou, E., Simaiakis, M.S. (2018) A Review of Geophilid Centipedes (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha: Geophilidae) collected in the Aegean Archipelago: A Hidden Treasure at the Natural History Museum of Crete. In S. Sfenthourakis, P. Pafilis, A. Parmakelis, N. Poulakakis & K. A Triantis (Eds.), Biogeography and Biodiversity of the Aegean. In honour of Prof. Moysis Mylonas. (pp. 135-149). Nicosia: Cyprus, Broken Hill Publishers Ltd

“Island” Biogeography of the Greek Mountains (in greek).

Trichas, A. (2007) "Island" Biogeography of the Greek Mountains (in greek). In I. Efthimiopoulos, & M. Modinos (Eds.), Mountain Landscapes and Forests. (pp. 63-76.). Athens: Scientific Institute for Environmental Research (DIPE), Greek Letters

Biogeography of the Aegean Archipelago (in greek).

Trichas, A. (2004) Biogeography of the Aegean Archipelago (in greek). In I. Efthimiopoulos, M. Modinos (Eds.), The Nature of Geography. (pp. 193-293.). Athens: Scientific Institute for Environmental Research (DIPE), Greek Letters

Announcements at Conferences


2023 The hidden diversity of the coastal saltmarshes of Crete: The case of Carabidae (Coleoptera).

Bolanakis, G., Pavlou, C., Archontidis, T., Trichas, A. (2023) The hidden diversity of the coastal saltmarshes of Crete: The case of Carabidae (Coleoptera). -Poster Presentation- 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 The Enigmatic Conservation Status

Chatzaki, M., Bolanakis, G., Trichas, A., Poulakakis, N., Poursanidis, D. (2023) The Enigmatic Conservation Status of the Endemic Species Chaetopelma lymberakisi (Chatzaki & Komnenov, 2019) on Crete: Vulnerable or Threatened? -Oral Presentation- 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 Molecular phylogenetics and geometric morphometrics o

Konstantopoulou, A., Meramveliotakis, E., Anastasiou, I., Trichas, A., Parmakelis, A. (2023) Molecular phylogenetics and geometric morphometrics of the genus Pedinus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) in Greece. -Oral Presentation- 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 Building whole genome reference resources for studying biodiversity in Greece

Karakasi, D., Dailianis, T., Vasileiadou, K., Tsigenopoulos, C.S., Skouradakis, G., Vernadou E, Sarropoulou, X., Vardinoyiannis, K., Trichas, A., Antaloudaki, E., Bolanakis, G., Fernández, R., Böhne, A., Monteiro, R., Palma-Guerrero, J., Poulakakis, N., Lymberakis, P., Manousaki, T. (2023) Building whole genome reference resources for studying biodiversity in Greece. -Poster Presentation- 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 A project for the inventory of the Cretan Auchenorrhyncha fauna

Angelova, R., Gjonov, I., Trichas, A. (2023) A project for the inventory of the Cretan Auchenorrhyncha fauna. IX European Hemiptera Congress, June 25 - July 1, 2023, Kurdějov, Czech Republic.

2022 The soil fauna of three families of Coleoptera in olive orchards, in Messara, Crete, Greece

Chrysos, P., Kollaros, D., Trichas, A., Kabourakis, E. (2022) The soil fauna of three families of Coleoptera in olive orchards, in Messara, Crete, Greece -Poster presentation-. 15th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 12-15 October 2022, Mytilini, Greece. 

2022 The Orthopteran fauna of Crete

Kotitsa, N., Trichas, A., Mylonas, M. (2022) The Orthopteran fauna of Crete: new data and a preliminary biogeographical analysis -oral presentation-. European Congress on Orthoptera Conservation III (ECOCIII), Leiden, 1-2 April 2022, The Netherlands.

2021 The Harvestmen of Crete -Poster presentation-.

Kontos P., Trichas, A., Chatzaki, M., Martens, J. (2021) The Harvestmen of Crete -Poster presentation-. 10th HELECOS Conference, On line, October 14-17 2021, Ioannina, Greece. p.184.

2021 The elevation patterns of cretan arthropods -Poster presentation-. (online)

Bolanakis, G., Trichas, A. (2021) The elevation patterns of cretan arthropods -Poster presentation-. (online) 10th HELECOS Conference, On line, October 14-17 2021, Ioannina, Greece. p.238.

2021 Molecular phylogeny of the genus Eupholidoptera (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), with a focus on the Cretan species subgroup E. latens -Poster presentation-.

Kotitsa, N., Borissov, S., Willemse, L., Tilmans, J., Trichas A., Chobanov, D. (2021) Molecular phylogeny of the genus Eupholidoptera (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), with a focus on the Cretan species subgroup E. latens -Poster presentation-. 10th HELECOS Conference, On line, October 14-17 2021, Ioannina, Greece. p.237.


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