It is with great pleasure and gratitude that the Natural History Museum of Crete-University of Crete (NHMC-UoC) received a very important donation of scorpions in April 2023 from Victor Fet, Professor in the Department of Biology at Marshall University (Huntington, West Virginia, USA).
The donation concerns more than 50 scorpion samples, which come mainly from Greece but also from other countries. The donation was immediately included in the Arthropods’ collection of the NHMC-UoC, where it was preserved and catalogued.
Those specimens together with all the rest of the NHMC-UoC's collections are available to the entire scientific community for research and study.
We thank Mr. Victor Fet for his valuable donation, which enriches our Museum's collections with rare and unique specimens from many regions of the world. We hope that his act will find other imitators, as the specimens housed in museums receive the best preservation and promotion and are open and accessible to the entire scientific and other community.
Prof. Victor Fet has studied at the University of Novosibirsk (Russia) and received his PhD from the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg (Russia). Since 1988 he lives and works in the USA. He studies the genetics, biogeography, systematics, evolution ...
Μαρία Βιτσάκη07/02/2024