The LIFE GRECABAT Educational Kit contains educational activities for elementary and high school children. It is thematically adapted to the objectives and actions of the LIFE17 NAT / GR / 000522 - LIFE GRECABAT program - "Greek Caves and Bats: Management Actions and Behavior Change" of which it is also deliverable. The contents of the suitcase are about the habitat of the terrestrial caves, the relations of the bats and the cave invertebrates with their environment, the effect of the human activities and the need to maintain the functionality of the natural ecosystems. The material has been designed based on the specifications of the IEP (Institute of Educational Policy) and has an implementation license for the school year 2020 - 2021 based on the conditions described in the relevant document Φ1/ΜΚ/100308/4828 /Δ7/15-01-2021 of Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.
In addition to the material of the Educational Kit, edited tracking sounds of certain cave bats can be used, which are listed