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Aristides (Aris) Moustakas

External Scientific Collaborators (Vertebrates Division)


Research Interests

  • Spatial & time series analysis

  • Environmental management & Population dynamics

  • Landscape ecology & Sustainability

  • Agent Based Simulation Modelling

  • Epidemiology & Impact and risk assessment

  • Agricultural informatics

  • Experimental design

  • Multivariate statistics

  • Climatic & Land use changes

  • Behavioral analytics from social media


  • 2006: Ph.D. in Natural Sciences (Mathematical Ecology), Department of Biology and Pharmaceutics, Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, Germany
  • 2003: MSc in Quality Control and Environmental Management, Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Greece
  • 2000: Diploma (Bachelor & MEng) in Industrial Engineering and Management, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete, Greece

Recent Publications


2023 Wind turbine power and land cover effects on cumulative bat deaths

Moustakas, A., Georgiakakis, P., Kret, E. Kapsalis, E. (2023) Wind turbine power and land cover effects on cumulative bat deaths. Sci Total Environ, 892, 164536.

2021 The biodiversity-wind energy-land use nexus in a global biodiversity hotspot.

Kati, V., Kassara, Ch., Vrontisi, Z., Moustakas, A. (2021) The biodiversity-wind energy-land use nexus in a global biodiversity hotspot. Science of The Total Environment, 768:144471.

2021 Minimal effect of prescribed burning on fire spread rate and intensity in savanna ecosystems.

Moustakas, A., Davlias,O. (2021) Minimal effect of prescribed burning on fire spread rate and intensity in savanna ecosystems. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 35, 849–860.

2021 Editorial: Mathematical Modelling of the Pandemic of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Patterns, Dynamics, Prediction, and Control.

Li, H-J., Wang, L., Wang, Z., Du, Z., Xia, C., Moustakas, A., Pei, S. (2021) Editorial: Mathematical Modelling of the Pandemic of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Patterns, Dynamics, Prediction, and Control. Front. Phys., 9:738602.

2020 A spatially explicit impact assessment of road characteristics, road-induced fragmentation and noise on birds species in Cyprus.

Konstantopoulos, K., Moustakas, A., Vogiatzakis, I.N. (2020) A spatially explicit impact assessment of road characteristics, road-induced fragmentation and noise on birds species in Cyprus. Biodiversity, 21(1), 61-71.

Short CV

I have been a Senior Assistant Professor in Data Analytics, at the Institute for Applied Data Analytics at Universiti Brunei Darussalam, in Brunei, Borneo – one of the highest ranked young Universities on Earth – and before that Lecturer in Predictive Modelling at the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences at Queen Mary University of London, UK. I have contributed in publishing over 45 journal papers among others in journals such as Nature Communications. My research featured in the BBC, BBC4, The Guardian, BBC Countryfile, The Ecologist, Motherboard as well as Greek, German and French media. In addition, my research had substantial impact resulting among others in an invitation to brief the British Parliament on data analytics regarding Bovine Tuberculosis, followed by Freedom of Information Act submitted by MPs and members of the House of Lords.

Published research on renewable wind energy spatial planning was also discussed in the Greek Parliament and ultimately resulted in changing the Greek legislation regarding renewable energy planning and cancelling renewable energy resources licenses in several non-fragmented mountainous areas.

I am serving as a contracted expert and final decision panellist of the Horizon 2020 research grants by the European Commission in 2020, 2021, and 2022.  In addition, in 2022 I am serving as a contracted expert and panellist of research funding in agriculture and environment of the Romanian government.



Research papers


2023 Wind turbine power and land cover effects on cumulative bat deaths

Moustakas, A., Georgiakakis, P., Kret, E. Kapsalis, E. (2023) Wind turbine power and land cover effects on cumulative bat deaths. Sci Total Environ, 892, 164536.

2021 The biodiversity-wind energy-land use nexus in a global biodiversity hotspot.

Kati, V., Kassara, Ch., Vrontisi, Z., Moustakas, A. (2021) The biodiversity-wind energy-land use nexus in a global biodiversity hotspot. Science of The Total Environment, 768:144471.

2021 Minimal effect of prescribed burning on fire spread rate and intensity in savanna ecosystems.

Moustakas, A., Davlias,O. (2021) Minimal effect of prescribed burning on fire spread rate and intensity in savanna ecosystems. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 35, 849–860.

2021 Editorial: Mathematical Modelling of the Pandemic of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Patterns, Dynamics, Prediction, and Control.

Li, H-J., Wang, L., Wang, Z., Du, Z., Xia, C., Moustakas, A., Pei, S. (2021) Editorial: Mathematical Modelling of the Pandemic of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Patterns, Dynamics, Prediction, and Control. Front. Phys., 9:738602.

2020 A spatially explicit impact assessment of road characteristics, road-induced fragmentation and noise on birds species in Cyprus.

Konstantopoulos, K., Moustakas, A., Vogiatzakis, I.N. (2020) A spatially explicit impact assessment of road characteristics, road-induced fragmentation and noise on birds species in Cyprus. Biodiversity, 21(1), 61-71.

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