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Avramakis Emmanouil

Museum Technician – Collection manager (Botany Division)

Status Technical Assistants & Laboratory Staff
Phone No. +302810393269
Office Γ114 (White Buildings, Knossou Campus)

Research interests

  • Botany
  • Taxonomy
  • Herbarium maintenance
  • Living plants collection maintenance
  • Monitoring and photographing plants of Crete for the NHMC photo archives
  • Participation in programs related to studying and propagating plants of Crete
  • Participation in the renewal of the Exhibition Halls of NHMC


  • 2000: School of Pedagogical and Technological Education, Heraklion Pedagogical Technical School
  • 1991: Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture, School of Agriculture, Faculty of Geotechnical Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Recent Publications


2023 Species of Greece Associated with Their Ecological Profiles

Hatzilazarou, S., Pipinis, E., Kostas, S., Stagiopoulou, R., Gitsa, K., Dariotis, E., Avramakis, M., Samartza, I., Plastiras, I., Kriemadi, E., Bareka, P., Lykas, C., Tsoktouridis, G., Krigas, N. (2023) Influence of Temperature on Seed Germination of Five Wild-Growing Tulipa Species of Greece Associated with Their Ecological Profiles: Implications for Conservation and Cultivation. Plants, 12(7):1574.

2023 GIS-Facilitated Seed Germination, Fertilization Effects on Growth

Hatzilazarou, S., Kostas, S., Pipinis, E., Anestis, I., Papaioannou, E., Aslanidou, V., Tsoulpha, P., Avramakis, M., Krigas, N., Tsoktouridis, G. (2023) GIS-Facilitated Seed Germination, Fertilization Effects on Growth, Nutrient and Phenol Contents and Antioxidant Potential in Three Local Endemic Plants of Crete (Greece) with Economic Interest: Implications for Conservation and Sustainable Exploitation. Horticulturae, 9(3), 335.

2021 Medicinal-Cosmetic Potential of the Local Endemic Plants of Crete (Greece), Northern Morocco and Tunisia: Priorities for Conservation and Sustainable Exploitation of Neglected and Underutilized Phytogenetic Resources.

Bourgou, S., Ben Haj Jilani, I., Karous, O., Megdiche-Ksouri, W., Ghrabi-Gammar, Z., Libiad, M., Khabbach, A., El Haissoufi, M., Lamchouri, F., Greveniotis, V., Avramakis, M., Hatzilazarou, S., Anestis, I., Tsoktouridis, G., Krigas, N. (2021) Medicinal-Cosmetic Potential of the Local Endemic Plants of Crete (Greece), Northern Morocco and Tunisia: Priorities for Conservation and Sustainable Exploitation of Neglected and Underutilized Phytogenetic Resources. Biology, 10(12), 1344.

2020 Vision-Based Decision-Making Methodology for Riparian Forest Restoration and Flood Protection Using Nature-Based Solutions.

Lilli, M. A., Nerantzaki, S. D., Riziotis, C., Kotronakis, M., Efstathiou, D., Kontakos, D., Lymberakis, P., Avramakis, M., Tsakirakis, A., Protopapadakis, K., Nikolaidis, N. (2020) Vision-Based Decision-Making Methodology for Riparian Forest Restoration and Flood Protection Using Nature-Based Solutions. Sustainability, 12(8), 3305.

2019 Endemic plants of Crete in electronic trade and wildlife tourism: current patterns and implications for conservation.

Menteli, V., Krigas, N., Avramakis, M., Turland, N., Vokou, D. (2019) Endemic plants of Crete in electronic trade and wildlife tourism: current patterns and implications for conservation. J of Biol Res-Thessaloniki, 26, 10.

Short CV

Bio CV


2024 Ψηφιοποίηση συλλογών φυσικής ιστορίας του Μουσείου Φυσικής Ιστορίας

Digitization of Greek Natural History Collections & Supply and installation of scientific equipment for the digitization of natural history collections under the project
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 2024 - 2025
Funding: Recovery and Resilience Plan, Greece v 2.0, Next Generation EU (5,724.425€ (2,594.391€ for UoC) )

2023_LIFE on mARTS

P.I.: Iasmi Stathi
Duration: 2023 - 2025
Funding: European Commission (Ε.C.) ERASMUS+ (25.860€)

2023 Βιοποικιλότητα και Αρχαιολογικοί Χώροι – Καταγραφή Χλωρίδας και Πανίδας στους Αρχαιολογικούς Χώρους

Biodiversity in Archaeological Sites (BIAS)
P.I: Pafilis Panagiotis
Duration: 2023 - 2024
Funding: Natural Environment & Climate Change Agency

2023 Αξιολόγηση κατάστασης διατήρησης οικοτόπων – HAB_MON

Habitat Conservation Status Assessment - HAB_MON
P.I: Dimopoulos Panagiotis
Duration: 2023 - 2024
Funding: OΙΚΟM Environmental Studies Ltd.

2022 Εκτίμηση της λιβαδικής κατάστασης και του καθεστώτος βόσκησης επί της νήσου Γυάρου και διαμόρφωση προτάσεων για τη θέσπιση διαχειριστικών μέτρων

Assessment of the meadow condition and the grazing regime on the island of Gyaros and formulation of proposals for the introduction of management measures
P.I.: Petros Lymberakis
1/1/2022 - 31/12/2023
Funding: WWF Hellas (26,970.00 €)

2022 DISSCo Prepare – Κατανεμημένο Συστημα Επιστημονικών Συλλογών – Πρόγραμμα Προπαρασκευαστικής Φάσης

DISSCo Prepare - Distributed System of Scientific Collections - Preparatory Phase Project
P.I.: Petros Lymberakis
24/2/2020 - 28/2/2023
Funding: European Commission / DG Research & Innovation (12,890.63 €)

2019 Δράσεις ενημέρωσης – ευαισθητοποίησης των πολιτών με σκοπό την ανάδειξη και προστασίατων οικοτόπων και της βιοποικιλότητας της Κρήτης στο ΜΦΙΚ 2017ΕΠ00210024

Public awareness activities for the promotion and conservation of habitats and biodiversity of Crete, in Natural History Museum of Crete 2017ΕΠ00210024
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 2019-10/8/2022
Funding: Region of Crete (974,957.41 €)

2018 Μελέτη αποκατάστασης της παρόχθιας βλάστησης του ποταμού Κοιλιάρη

Restoration study of the riparian vegetation of Koiliaris River
P.I.: Petros Lymberakis
1/12/2018 - 31/3/2020
Funding: Technical University of Crete (TUC) (15,558.60 €)

2008 Δικτυακή πύλη Δήμου Μαλλίων

Web portal of the Municipality of Mallia
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
18/9/2008 -
Funding: Municipality of Mallia (39,461.50 €)

2008 Δημιουργία πρώτης Κιβωτού ενδημικής χλωρίδας στο Γιούχτα

Creation of the first Ark of endemic flora in Giouchtas mt.
P.I.: Kiriakos Kotzabasis
Duration: 24/1/2008 - 20/10/2008
Funding: Private Sector (73,780.00 €)

Research papers


2023 Species of Greece Associated with Their Ecological Profiles

Hatzilazarou, S., Pipinis, E., Kostas, S., Stagiopoulou, R., Gitsa, K., Dariotis, E., Avramakis, M., Samartza, I., Plastiras, I., Kriemadi, E., Bareka, P., Lykas, C., Tsoktouridis, G., Krigas, N. (2023) Influence of Temperature on Seed Germination of Five Wild-Growing Tulipa Species of Greece Associated with Their Ecological Profiles: Implications for Conservation and Cultivation. Plants, 12(7):1574.

2023 GIS-Facilitated Seed Germination, Fertilization Effects on Growth

Hatzilazarou, S., Kostas, S., Pipinis, E., Anestis, I., Papaioannou, E., Aslanidou, V., Tsoulpha, P., Avramakis, M., Krigas, N., Tsoktouridis, G. (2023) GIS-Facilitated Seed Germination, Fertilization Effects on Growth, Nutrient and Phenol Contents and Antioxidant Potential in Three Local Endemic Plants of Crete (Greece) with Economic Interest: Implications for Conservation and Sustainable Exploitation. Horticulturae, 9(3), 335.

2021 Medicinal-Cosmetic Potential of the Local Endemic Plants of Crete (Greece), Northern Morocco and Tunisia: Priorities for Conservation and Sustainable Exploitation of Neglected and Underutilized Phytogenetic Resources.

Bourgou, S., Ben Haj Jilani, I., Karous, O., Megdiche-Ksouri, W., Ghrabi-Gammar, Z., Libiad, M., Khabbach, A., El Haissoufi, M., Lamchouri, F., Greveniotis, V., Avramakis, M., Hatzilazarou, S., Anestis, I., Tsoktouridis, G., Krigas, N. (2021) Medicinal-Cosmetic Potential of the Local Endemic Plants of Crete (Greece), Northern Morocco and Tunisia: Priorities for Conservation and Sustainable Exploitation of Neglected and Underutilized Phytogenetic Resources. Biology, 10(12), 1344.

2020 Vision-Based Decision-Making Methodology for Riparian Forest Restoration and Flood Protection Using Nature-Based Solutions.

Lilli, M. A., Nerantzaki, S. D., Riziotis, C., Kotronakis, M., Efstathiou, D., Kontakos, D., Lymberakis, P., Avramakis, M., Tsakirakis, A., Protopapadakis, K., Nikolaidis, N. (2020) Vision-Based Decision-Making Methodology for Riparian Forest Restoration and Flood Protection Using Nature-Based Solutions. Sustainability, 12(8), 3305.

2019 Endemic plants of Crete in electronic trade and wildlife tourism: current patterns and implications for conservation.

Menteli, V., Krigas, N., Avramakis, M., Turland, N., Vokou, D. (2019) Endemic plants of Crete in electronic trade and wildlife tourism: current patterns and implications for conservation. J of Biol Res-Thessaloniki, 26, 10.

2013 Analysis of Juniperus phoenicea from throughout its range in the Mediterranean using DNA sequence data from nrDNA and petN-psbM: The case for the recognition of J. turbinata Guss

Adams, R.P., Boratynski, A., Arista, M., Schwarzbach, A.E., Leschner, H., Liber, Z., Minissale, P., Mataraci, T., Avramakis, M. (2013) Analysis of Juniperus phoenicea from throughout its range in the Mediterranean using DNA sequence data from nrDNA and petN-psbM: The case for the recognition of J. turbinata Guss Phytologia, 95(2), 202-209.

2009 Historical biogeography of the endemic Campanulaceae of Crete.

Cellinese, N., Smith, S.A., Edwards, E.J., Kim, S-T., Avramakis, M., Donoghue, M.J. (2009) Historical biogeography of the endemic Campanulaceae of Crete. Journal of Biogeography, 36(7), 1253-1269.

2007 Influence of the Developmental Stage on the (Proto)-Hypericin and (Proto) Pseudohypericin Levels of Hypericum Plants from Crete.

Xenophontos, M., Stavropoulos, E., Avramakis, E., Navakoudis, E., Dörnemann D., Kotzabasis, K. (2007) Influence of the Developmental Stage on the (Proto)-Hypericin and (Proto) Pseudohypericin Levels of Hypericum Plants from Crete. Planta Medica, 73(12), 1309-1315.

Books - Chapters in Books


2013 Ecotouristic guide of Sitia nature park (in greek and in english).

Fassoulas, C. (Coord.), Staridas, S., Perakis, N., Mavroudi, N., Trichas, A., Avramakis, M., Perakis, V., Mavrokosta, C. (2013) Ecotouristic guide of Sitia nature park (in greek and in english)., (pp.128.), Natural History Museum of Crete - University of Crete; Sitia Nature Park, ISBN: 978-ISBN:960-367-034-6, ISBN: 978-960-367-035-3

2008 The Geological Heritage of Psiloritis (Gr, En) (G. Owens, Trans.)

Fassoulas, C., Trichas, A., Avramakis, E. (Vardinogiannis, K. Text Check) (2008) The Geological Heritage of Psiloritis (Gr, En) (G. Owens, Trans.), (pp.155.), Psiloritis Natural Park, AKOMM; Psiloritis Development OTA S.A., Anogia, Crete, Greece

2006 Mountainous Crete (in english and in greek).

Xirouchakis, S., Probonas, M., Grivas, C., Avramakis, M. (2006) Mountainous Crete (in english and in greek)., (pp.78.), Natural History Museum of Crete, ISBN: 960-367-018-9; ISBN: 960-367-019-7

Cephalanthera cucullata (in greek).

Alibertis, A., Avramakis, M. (2009) Cephalanthera cucullata (in greek). In D. Phitos, Th. Konstantinidis & G. Kamari (Eds.), The Red Data Book of Rare and Threatened Plants of Greece, Volume 1 A-D (in greek). (pp. 258-260). Hellenic Botanical Society

Announcements at Conferences


2024_Documenting the floristic diversity of the ancient Minoan city of Phaistos

Antaloudaki, E., Avramakis, E. (2024) Documenting the floristic diversity of the ancient Minoan city of Phaistos, Crete. Poster Presentations-International Botanical Congress, 21st - 27th July, Madrid.

2024 Survey of the Invasive Species

Melemenis, Z., Zografakis, I., Avramakis, E., Vrachnakis, T., Kabourakis, E., Kollaros, D. (2024) Survey of the Invasive Species, Ailanthus altissima, in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. Poster Presentations-18th Panhellenic Scientific Conference, Hellenic Botanical Society, Thessaloniki 2-5 October 2024.

2024 Inventory of Junipers Dying in Chryssi

Dretakis, M., Ventura, L., Antaloudaki, E., Harkoutsis G., Panteleri, R., Probonas, M., Avramakis, M. (2024) Inventory of Junipers Dying in Chryssi Island and the Proposed Management. Poster presentation-18th Panhellenic Scientific Conference, Hellenic Botanical Society, Thessaloniki 2-5 October 2024.

2024 Green Infrastructure Application

Zografakis, I., Avramakis, E., Vrachnakis, T. (2024) Green Infrastructure Application in Olive Orchards for Floristic Diversity Under Climate Change Conditions. Oral Presentations-18th Panhellenic Scientific Conference, Hellenic Botanical Society, Thessaloniki 2-5 October 2024.

2019 Flora diversity in olive orchards located in different agroecological zones -Oral presentation- (in greek).

Avramakis, E., Vrachnakis, Th., Βolakakis, N., Kabourakis, M.E. (2019) Plant divercity of olive groves in different agro-ecological zones -Oral presentation- (in greek). 16th Panhellenic Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society, 10-13 October 2019, Athens, Greece.

2019 Diurnal Lepidoptera in olive orchards and their relationship with growth and flowering of spontaneous plants.

Kollaros, D., Vrachnakis, Th., Avramakis, E., Volakakis, N., Kabourakis, E. (2019) Diurnal Lepidoptera in olive orchards and their relationship with growth and flowering of spontaneous plants. 18th Panhellenic Entomological Congress, 15-18 October 2019, Komotini, Greece. p.110

2018 Improvement of green infrastructure in agroecosystems: reconnecting natural areas by countering habitat fragmentation.

Kabourakis, Ε., Kollaros, D., Xirouchakis, S., Chrysoulakis, N., Gkisakis, V., Volakakis, N., Avramakis, M., Vrachnakis,T., Poursanidis, D., Kiamos, N., Dretakis, M., Lymberakis, P., Probonas, M. (2018) Improvement of green infrastructure in agroecosystems: reconnecting natural areas by countering habitat fragmentation. 9th Hellenic Conference of Ecology, HELECOS-9, 4-7 October, 2018 Irakleion, Crete, Greece. p.41.

2018 Cretan endemic plants and anthropogenic pressures: electronic trade and thematic tourism

Menteli, V., Krigas, N., Avramakis, M., Turland, N., Vokou, D. (2018) Cretan endemic plants and anthropogenic pressures: electronic trade and thematic tourism 9th Hellenic Conference of Ecology, HELECOS-9, 4-7 October, 2018 Irakleion, Crete, Greece. p.59

2015 Record elements of the terrestrial environment of Gyaros island: flora, habitats, arthropods, mollusks, reptiles and mammals -Poster presentation-.

Simaiakis, S., Avramakis, M., Chatzaki, M., Lymberakis, P., Spaneli, V., Trichas, A., Vardinoyannis, K., Mylonas, M. (2015) Record elements of the terrestrial environment of Gyaros island: flora, habitats, arthropods, mollusks, reptiles and mammals -Poster presentation-. 13th ICZEGAR, 7-11 October 2015, Irakleio, Crete, Greece. p.173.

2014 State of Habitat conservation on Chrysi islet Ierapetra Crete (in greek).

Darioti, P., Avramakis, E., Antaloudaki, E., Nikolakakis, M., Dretakis, M. (2014) State of Habitat conservation on Chrysi islet Ierapetra Crete (in greek). In P. G. Dimitropoulos., G. D. Kokkoris (Eds.) Proceedings of the 7th Hellenic Ecological Congress, 09-12 October, Mytilini, Greece. p.194.


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