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Elisavet Georgopoulou (Elsa)

Phone No. +302810393640
Office  (White Buildings, Knossou Campus)

Research interests

  • Management of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
  • Climate change, environmental protection and conservation
  • Biogeography
  • Ecology
  • Paleontology


  • 2016: Doctoral Thesis, University of Graz, Institute of Earth Sciences & project researcher at the Natural History Museum of Vienna (FWF-Project P25365-B25: “Freshwater systems in the Neogene and Quaternary of Europe: Gastropod biodiversity, provinciality, and faunal gradients“). Thesis title: «Holocene and Pleistocene gastropod biodiversity in European freshwater systems»
  • 2012: Master’s Degree, Biology Department, University of Crete. Thesis title: «Spatial analysis of the terrestrial mollusks of Crete» Supervision Prof Moisis Mylonas
  • 2010: Bachelor’s Degree in Biology, Biology Department, School of Sciences, University of Crete

Recent Publications


2023 Home range of the Dalmatian pelican in south-east Europe.

Georgopoulou, E., Alexandrou, O., Manolopoulos, A. Xirouchakis, S., Catsadorakis, S. (2023) Home range of the Dalmatian pelican in south-east Europe. Eur J Wildl Res , 69, 41

2022 When necessary data are missing: Evaluating a threat collection protocol for the Bonelli’s eagle Aquila fasciata on Crete (Greece).

Kardamaki, A., Georgopoulou, E., Anagnostopoulou, A., Kontogeorgos, G., Xirouchakis, S. (2022) When necessary data are missing: Evaluating a threat collection protocol for the Bonelli’s eagle Aquila fasciata on Crete (Greece). Alauda, 90(4), 63-69.

2022 Solanou, M., Trypidaki, E., Georgopoulou, E., Damianakis, K., Kardamaki, A., Xirouchakis, S. (2022) Selection of Nesting Habitat and Insular Niche Separation

Solanou, M., Trypidaki, E., Georgopoulou, E., Damianakis, K., Kardamaki, A., Xirouchakis, S. (2022) Selection of Nesting Habitat and Insular Niche Separation of Two Sympatric Aquila Species. Diversity, 14(12), 1136

2021 Home range size, space use and resource selection of griffon vultures in an insular environment.

Xirouchakis, S. M., Grivas, C., Andreou, G., Georgopoulou, E. (2021) Home range size, space use and resource selection of griffon vultures in an insular environment. Journal of Zoology, 314(2), 116-131.

2021 Extinction risk is linked to lifestyle in freshwater gastropods.

Neubauer,Th.A., Georgopoulou,E. (2021) Extinction risk is linked to lifestyle in freshwater gastropods. Diversity and Distributions, 27, 2357–2368.

Short CV

Bio CV


Research papers


2023 Home range of the Dalmatian pelican in south-east Europe.

Georgopoulou, E., Alexandrou, O., Manolopoulos, A. Xirouchakis, S., Catsadorakis, S. (2023) Home range of the Dalmatian pelican in south-east Europe. Eur J Wildl Res , 69, 41

2022 When necessary data are missing: Evaluating a threat collection protocol for the Bonelli’s eagle Aquila fasciata on Crete (Greece).

Kardamaki, A., Georgopoulou, E., Anagnostopoulou, A., Kontogeorgos, G., Xirouchakis, S. (2022) When necessary data are missing: Evaluating a threat collection protocol for the Bonelli’s eagle Aquila fasciata on Crete (Greece). Alauda, 90(4), 63-69.

2022 Solanou, M., Trypidaki, E., Georgopoulou, E., Damianakis, K., Kardamaki, A., Xirouchakis, S. (2022) Selection of Nesting Habitat and Insular Niche Separation

Solanou, M., Trypidaki, E., Georgopoulou, E., Damianakis, K., Kardamaki, A., Xirouchakis, S. (2022) Selection of Nesting Habitat and Insular Niche Separation of Two Sympatric Aquila Species. Diversity, 14(12), 1136

2021 Home range size, space use and resource selection of griffon vultures in an insular environment.

Xirouchakis, S. M., Grivas, C., Andreou, G., Georgopoulou, E. (2021) Home range size, space use and resource selection of griffon vultures in an insular environment. Journal of Zoology, 314(2), 116-131.

2021 Extinction risk is linked to lifestyle in freshwater gastropods.

Neubauer,Th.A., Georgopoulou,E. (2021) Extinction risk is linked to lifestyle in freshwater gastropods. Diversity and Distributions, 27, 2357–2368.

2020 20. Home range size, space use and resource selection of Griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) on an insular environment.

Xirouchakis, S.M., Grivas, C., Andreou, G., Georgopoulou, E. (2020) 20. Home range size, space use and resource selection of Griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) on an insular environment. Journal of Zoology, 314(2), 116-131.

2019 The diet of the Eleonora’s falcon (Falco eleonorae) in the Aegean archipelago (Greece).

Xirouchakis, S. M., Alivizatos, H., Georgopoulou, E., Dimalexis, A., Latsoudis, P., Portolou, D., Karris, G., Georgiakakis, P., Fric, J., Saravia, V., Barboutis, C., Bourdakis, S., Kakalis, E., Kominos, T., Simaiakis, S. (2019) The diet of the Eleonora’s falcon (Falco eleonorae) in the Aegean archipelago (Greece). Journal of Natural History, 53(29-30), 1767–1785.

2019 Feeding ecology and prey selection by wintering Long-eared Owls Asio otus in Mediterranean agrosystems.

Kontogeorgos, I., Kiamos, N., Montiel-Ruiz, P., Georgopoulou, E., Mylonas, M., Xirouchakis, S. M. (2019) Feeding ecology and prey selection by wintering Long-eared Owls Asio otus in Mediterranean agrosystems. Ornithol. Sci., 18(1), 95- 110.

2018 Home range and habitat selection of Long-eared Owls (Asio otus) in Mediterranean agricultural landscapes (Crete, Greece).

Emin, D., Toxopeus, A. G., Groen, Ir. T. A., Kontogeorgos, I., Georgopoulou, E., Xirouchakis, S. (2018) Home range and habitat selection of Long-eared Owls (Asio otus) in Mediterranean agricultural landscapes (Crete, Greece). Avian Biology Research, 11(3), 204-218.

2017 On the distribution of the invasive long-spined echinoid Diadema setosum and its expansion in the Mediterranean Sea.

Bronstein, O., Georgopoulou, E., Kroh, A. (2017) On the distribution of the invasive long-spined echinoid Diadema setosum and its expansion in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 583, 163-178.

2017 Geographic changes in the Aegean Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum: Postulating biogeographic effects of sea-level rise on islands.

Simaiakis, S. M., Rijsdijk, K. F., Koene, E. F. M., Norder, S. J., Van Boxel, J. H., Stocchi, P., Hammoud, C., Kougioumoutzis, K., Georgopoulou, E., Van Loon, E., Tjørve, K. M. C., Tjørve, E. (2017) Geographic changes in the Aegean Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum: Postulating biogeographic effects of sea-level rise on islands. Paleogeogr. Paleoclim. Paleoecol., 471, 108-119.

Books - Chapters in Books


2018 Information Guide for Ecosystem Services of the NATURA 2000 Network sites in the mountain Areas of Crete. (In greek – in english)

Kyriakopoulou, N., Ploumi, T., Georgopoulou, E. (2018) Information Guide for Ecosystem Services of the NATURA 2000 Network sites in the mountain Areas of Crete. (In greek - in english), (pp.56.), Heraklion: University of Crete, Natural History Museum of Crete, ISBN: 978-960-367-040-7; ISBN: 978-960-367-045-2

2018 Information Guide for Ecosystem Services of the NATURA 2000 Network sites in the coastal Areas of Crete (In greek – in english).

Ploumi, T., Georgopoulou, E., Kyriakopoulou, N. (2018) Information Guide for Ecosystem Services of the NATURA 2000 Network sites in the coastal Areas of Crete (In greek - in english)., (pp.56.), Heraklion: University of Crete, Natural History Museum of Crete, ISBN: 978-960-367-041-4; ISBN: 978-960-367-044-5

2018 Information Guide for Ecosystem Services of the NATURA 2000 Network sites in the agricultural Areas of Crete. (In greek – in english)

Georgopoulou, E., Kyriakopoulou, N., Ploumi, T. (2018) Information Guide for Ecosystem Services of the NATURA 2000 Network sites in the agricultural Areas of Crete. (In greek - in english), (pp.56.), Heraklion: University of Crete, Natural History Museum of Crete, ISBN: 978-960-367-039-1; ISBN: 978-960-367-043-8

2018 Environmental Law and Society: Raising Awareness for the prosecution of wildlife crimes and environemental responsibility in areas of the NATURA 2000 Network in Crete (in greek).

Probonas, M., Xirouchakis, S., Baxevani, K., Georgopoulou, E. (2018) Environmental Law and Society: Raising Awareness for the prosecution of wildlife crimes and environemental responsibility in areas of the NATURA 2000 Network in Crete (in greek). In M. Samatas, D. Mylonakis, M. Dafermos, & A. Kastellakis (Eds.), Operational Conference ‘Crete in the 21st Century: Problems, Challenges, and Prospects for Society, Economy, Politics and Health’, 1-2 December, Rethymno, Crete, Greece )ISBN: 978-960-635-020-7). (pp. 459-477.). Athens: Pedio Publishing

Announcements at Conferences


2021 When necessary data are missing: threat collection protocol for Bonelli’s eagle -Oral presentation-.

Kardamaki, A., Georgopoulou, E., Kontogeorgos, G., Xirouchakis, S. (2021) When necessary data are missing: threat collection protocol for Bonelli's eagle -Oral presentation-. Symposium Aigle de Bonelli, Montpellier, 23-24 Sept 2021, France.

2021 Using species distribution modelling to reveal potential nesting sites of Bonelli’s eagle on the island of Crete -Poster presentation-.

Anagnostopoulou, A., Georgopoulou, E., Kontogeorgos, G., Kardamaki, A., Damianakis, K., Xirouchakis, S. (2021) Using species distribution modelling to reveal potential nesting sites of Bonelli's eagle on the island of Crete -Poster presentation-. Symposium Aigle de Bonelli, Montpellier, 23-24 Sept 2021, France.

2021 Remote sensing – oriented nature-based solutions towards a new life for drylands (NewLife4Drylands) -Poster presentation-. (online)

Damianakis, K., Baxevani, K., Georgopoulou, E., Xirouchakis, S., Probonas, M. (2021) Remote sensing - oriented nature-based solutions towards a new life for drylands (NewLife4Drylands) -Poster presentation-. (online) 10th HELECOS Conference, On line, October 14-17 2021, Ioannina, Greece. p. 160

2021 Biodiversity hotspots of centipedes (Chilopoda) in Greece -Poster presentation-.

Simaiakis, S., Georgopoulou, E. (2021) Biodiversity hotspots of centipedes (Chilopoda) in Greece -Poster presentation-. 10th HELECOS Conference, On line, October 14-17 2021, Ioannina, Greece. p.152.

2021 Applying pilot toolkits in observing Environmental Crime and Environmental Law Implementation -Oral presentation-.

Probonas, M., Baxevani, K., Georgopoulou, E., Xirouchakis, S. (2021) Applying pilot toolkits in observing Environmental Crime and Environmental Law Implementation -Oral presentation-. 10th HELECOS Conference, On line, October 14-17 2021, Ioannina, Greece. p.83.

2018 The geophilid centipedes (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha: Geophilidae) of the Aegean in the collection of the Natural History Museum of Crete -Poster presentation-.

Kardaki, L., Nikolakakis, M., Trichas,A., Georgopoulou, E., Simaiakis, S. (2018) The geophilid centipedes (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha: Geophilidae) of the Aegean in the collection of the Natural History Museum of Crete -Poster presentation-. 9th Hellenic Conference of Ecology, HELECOS-9, 4-7 October, 2018 Irakleion, Crete, Greece. p.170

2018 The ecological, social and economic values of ecosystem services in the Natura 2000 areas in Crete.

Probonas, M., Baxevani, K., Georgopoulou, E., Xirouchakis, S., Georgiakakis, P., Piligotsi, G. (2018) The ecological, social and economic values of ecosystem services in the Natura 2000 areas in Crete. 9th Hellenic Conference of Ecology, HELECOS-9, 4-7 October, 2018 Irakleion, Crete, Greece. p.92.

2018 Information and awareness raising actions on environmental crime and environmental liability in the Natura 2000 areas in Crete.

Probonas, M., Baxevani, K., Georgopoulou, E., Xirouchakis, S. (2018) Information and awareness raising actions on environmental crime and environmental liability in the Natura 2000 areas in Crete. 9th Hellenic Conference of Ecology, HELECOS-9, 4-7 October, 2018 Irakleion, Crete, Greece. p.91.

2018 Home range estimation of the dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus Bruch, 1832) using a dynamic brownian bridge movement model.

Georgopoulou, E., Alexandrou, O., Manolopoulos, A., Xirouchakis, S., Katsadorakis, G. (2018) Home range estimation of the dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus Bruch, 1832) using a dynamic brownian bridge movement model. 9th Hellenic Conference of Ecology, HELECOS-9, 4-7 October, 2018 Irakleion, Crete, Greece. p.34.

2018 A spatial approach to the nesting ecology of golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) on the island of Crete.

Solanou, M., Georgopoulou, E., Nikolakakis, M., Poursanidis, D., Xirouchakis, S. (2018) A spatial approach to the nesting ecology of golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) on the island of Crete. 9th Hellenic Conference of Ecology, HELECOS-9, 4-7 October, 2018 Irakleion, Crete, Greece. p.100

2017 Policy of European LIFE Communication programmes: From theory to practice -Oral presentation- (in greek).

Probonas, M., Xirouchakis, S., Baxevani, K., Georgopoulou, E. (2017) Policy of European LIFE Communication programmes: From theory to practice -Oral presentation- (in greek). 10th Panhellenic Conference in Environmental Policy & Management "Policy & Environment", 10-11 June 2017, Mytilini, Greece.

2017 GIS tools for assesing ecosystem services in rural ecosystems: The case of Crete (in greek) -Poster presentation-.

Kozyraki, M., Arvanitis, P., Nyktas, P., Georgopoulou, E., Kyriakopoulou, N., Ploumi, T., Xirouchakis, S., Probonas, M. (2017) GIS tools for assesing ecosystem services in rural ecosystems: The case of Crete (in greek) -Poster presentation-. 2nd Conference on Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis in Agriculture and the Environment, 25-26 May 2017, Athens, Greece.

2017 Environmental Legislation and Society: Awareness for the prosecution of crimes against wildlife and promotion of environmental liability in areas of the NATURA 2000 Network in Crete (in greek) -Oral presentation-.

Probonas, M., Xirouchakis, S., Baxevani, K., Georgopoulou, E. (2017) Environmental Legislation and Society: Awareness for the prosecution of crimes against wildlife and promotion of environmental liability in areas of the NATURA 2000 Network in Crete (in greek) -Oral presentation-. Crete in the 21st Century: Problems, Challenges and Perspectives in Society, Economy, Policy and Health", 1-2 December 2017, Crete, Greece.

2017 Environmental Crime and Society: The case of Crete (in greek) -Oral presentation-.

Probonas, M., Xirouchakis, S., Baxevani, K., Georgopoulou, E. (2017) Environmental Crime and Society: The case of Crete (in greek) -Oral presentation-. 10th Panhellenic Conference in Environmental Policy & Management "Policy & Environment", 10-11 June 2017, Mytilini, Greece.

2017 Ecosystem services as a tool for the prevention of environmental delinquency in the NATURA 2000 Network in Crete (in greek).

Probonas, M., Georgopoulou, E., Ploumi, K., Kyriakopoulou, N., Baxevani, K., Xirouchakis, S. (2017) Ecosystem services as a tool for the prevention of environmental delinquency in the NATURA 2000 Network in Crete (in greek). In P. Georgiakakis, K. Baxevani, M. Probonas, S. Xirouchakis (Eds.) Proceedings of the National Conference "Environmental Responsibility, Prevention and Rehabilitation: Challenges and Opportunities for the Protection of Biodiversity in Greece", 8 - 10 September 2017, Heraklion, Greece. (284-287.) ISBN: 978-960-367-042-1

2013 Spatial patterns of Cretan land snails -Oral presentation-.

Georgopoulou, Ε., Vardinoyannis, Κ., Mylonas, Μ. (2013) Spatial patterns of Cretan land snails -Oral presentation-. 18th World Congress of Malacology, 21-28 July, Ponta Delgada, Ajores, Portugal.

2013 Innovative actions against illegal poisoning in protected areas of Crete.

Probonas, M., Nikolopoulou, S., Georgopoulou, E., Baxevani, K., Xirouchakis, S. (2013) Innovative actions against illegal poisoning in protected areas of Crete. In K. Bauch (Eds.) 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, 10-12 June 2013, Mittersill, Conference Volume, Part II/2. (pp. 619-626.) Austria: Hohe Tauern National Park Region

2013 Home range & space use by griffons vultures -Poster presentation-.

Xirouchakis, S., Andreou, G., Georgopoulou, E. (2013) Home range & space use by griffons vultures -Poster presentation-. International Workshop: “ECOTONE GPS telemetry workshop”. ECOTONE, Polish Academy of Sciences, Conference Center "Wierzba" (Polish Academy of Sciences), 5-9 April 2013, Masurian Lake District, Poland.

2011 Review of Helicigona and Campylaea (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in Greece.

Georgopoulou, E. (2011) Review of Helicigona and Campylaea (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in Greece. 6th Congress of the European Malacological Societies (CEMS), 18-22 July, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.

2010 Systematics of Campylaea and Helicigona (Gastropoda: Helicidae) in mainland Greece.

Georgopoulou, E., Vardinoyannis, K., Mylonas, M. (2010) Systematics of Campylaea and Helicigona (Gastropoda: Helicidae) in mainland Greece. 5th Helecos, 7-10 October 2010, Patra, Greece.


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