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Lea Melissanthi Ventoura

Phone No. +302810393279
Office Γ217 (White Buildings, Knossou Campus)

Research interests


  • 2021: Mountain Leader Certificate, Public Vocational Training Institution of Rethymnon, Crete
  • 2014: Master’s Degree in Educational Science, Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg with specialization in the field of Teaching
  • 2007: Intermediate Certificate (Zwischenprüfung) in Jewish Studies (major) and Religious Studies (minor), Heidelberg University and Hochschule für Jüdische Studien, Germany
  • 2001: Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and General Sciences with emphasis on Physics and Mathematics, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Short CV

Lea Melissanthe Ventura has a degree in Biology and General Sciences with emphasis in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Tel Aviv and has been working at the Natural History Museum of Crete of the University of Crete as an independent contractor since 2019. Furthermore, she has studied Jewish Studies and Science of Religion at the University of Jewish Studies in Heidelberg and the University of Heidelberg respectively. At the PH Heidelberg, she studied Mathematics Didactics in a postgraduate program.

Between 2009 and 2016, Lea successfully taught mathematics at the School of Computer Science, as well as the School of Business Administration at the SRH University of Applied Sciences in Heidelberg. She is also a soon to be nationally accredited Mountain Leader having completed the vocational program for Mountain Leadership in 2021 and has begun working in this area, as well as in the field of birdwatching, offering related tours. She has a very good knowledge of Greek, English, German and Hebrew and has done translations and interpretations in these languages.

Bio CV




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