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Mina Trikali

Mina Trikali

Head of  LibraryPhoto Archive

Status Technical Assistants & Laboratory Staff
Phone No. +302810393280
Office Β214 (White Buildings, Knossou Campus)

Research interests

  • Organizing and managing the NHMC-UοC photographic archive (digitalization, key-wording and archiving of images in databases)
  • File maintenance, updating, supplementing, correcting, adding, or subtracting file metadata
  • Digital content management – photo editing programs and image/graphics archiving
  • Photographing bio- and geodiversity, animals and plants in the natural environment and in the studio


  • 2014: Awarded the artistic title AFIAP (Artist FIAP) of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP)
  • 1997: Agricultural technician. School οf Agriculture, Department of Crop Production, Technological Educational Institute of Crete

Short CV

Since 1999 Mina Trikali has been responsible for the Library and the Photographic Archive of the Natural History Museum of Crete. She searches for bibliographic data from national and international sources and records all paper and electronic literature of the NHMC library (books, maps, articles, journals).

She also organizes and manages the NHMC photographic archive (digitalization, key-wording and archiving of images in databases). She has participated in 10 research projects.

Her substantial engagement with artistic photography begins in 2009 when she becomes a member of the Hellenic Photographic Society of Heraklio. Since then he has been an active member. In 2013, she began to participate in Greek and International competitions, winning important distinctions and prizes. In 2014 she was awarded the artistic title “Artist FIAP” by the World Federation of Artistic Photography FIAP (International Federation of Photographic Art).

She was a member of the jury in artistic photography competitions held in Greece under the auspices of the three World Photographic Federations FIAP (World Federation of Artistic Photography), GPU (Global Photographic Union) and PSA (Photographic Federation of America). She has taken part in several group exhibitions and her first solo exhibition took place in the context of the “Street Art” festival in Heraklion in 2019.

Bio CV


2015 EFES E-Tools for E-Schools

EFES E-Tools for E-Schools
P.I.: Katerina Voreadi
Duration: 10/1/2015 - 9/30/2017
Funding: European Commission (Ε.C.) (210,661.00 €)

2010 Natural Europe- Φυσική ιστορία & περιβαλλοντική πολιτιστική κληρονομιά στις ψηφιακές Ευρωπαϊκές βιβλιοθήκες για την εκπαίδευση

Νatural Europe (Natural History & Environmental Cultural Heritage in European Digital Libraries for Education)
P.I.: Katerina Voreadi
Duration: 1/10/2010 - 1/9/2013
Funding: European Commission (Ε.C.) (200,000.00 €)

2005 Ανάδειξη του φυσικού περιβάλλοντος των νησιών και βραχονησίδων του Ν. Αιγαίου μέσω της ψηφιοποίησης των συλλογών και των αρχείων του Μουσείου Φυσικής Ιστορίας

Nomination of the natural environment of the islands and islets of the Prefecture of the South Aegean via digitalization of the collections and the archives of the Natural History Museum of Crete. BOSSINESS PROGRAM: SOCIETY OF INFORMATION. VERSIFICATION 2.4 “ Regional geographical information systems and innovative actions”. Category action 1 “Actions for the development of applications pilotic and innovative character”. Subcategory 1.2 “Culture and Tourism”.
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
Duration: 15/9/2005 - 15/12/2007
Funding: Ministry of Economy & Finance (79,384.66 €)

2004 Μελέτη χερσαίων σαλιγκαριών στις περιοχές NATURA 2000 της Κύπρου

Study of land snails at the areas under NATURA 2000 of Cyprus.
P.I.: Andreas Dimitropoulos
Duration: 10/1/2004 - 31/10/2007
Funding: Research Promotion Foundation (R.P.F.) Cyprus (22.221,26 €)

1999 Έρευνα ιστορικών, αρχαιολογικών και γεωλογικών στοιχείων και του εν γένει περιβάλλοντος της νήσου Χρυσής

Survey of historical, archaeological and geological data as well as the environment of Chrysi island.
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
Duration: 15/12/1999 - 31/8/2000
Funding: Municipality of Ierapetra (36,038.58 €)

1999 Διαμόρφωση εκθεσιακών χώρων Μουσείου Φυσικής Ιστορίας Κρήτης. INTERREG II

Configuration of the exhibition of the Natural History Museum of Crete.(INTEREG II).
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
Duration: 15/9/1999 - 31/12/2001
Funding: Region of Crete (293,470.29 €)

1998 Ανάπτυξη βάσης δεδομένων για τους περιβαλλοντικούς παράγοντες και τη βιοποικιλότητα των νησιών του Αιγαίου

Development of data base for the environmental parameters and the biodiversity of the Aegean islands.
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
Duration: 22/12/1998 - 30/10/2000
Funding: Ministry of Development, General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT) (92,489.55 €)

1997 Μελέτη βιότοπου περιοχής Αλμυρού

Survey on Almyros wetland.
P.I.: Moisis Mylonas
Duration: 1/10/1997 - 31/8/1999
Funding: Prefecture of Herakleion (339,688.93 €)


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