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Petros Lymberakis

Curator of the Vertebrates Division

Status Laboratory Teaching Staff
Phone No. +302810393266
Office Γ122 (White Buildings, Knossou Campus)

Research interests

  • Ecology, Evolution and Taxonomy of small vertebrates in the Eastern Mediterranean


Recent Publications


2024 Whole-genome SNP genotyping unveils ancestral and recent introgression in wild and domestic goats

Pogorevc, N., Dotsev, A., Upadhyay, M., Sandoval-Castellanos, E., Hannemann, E., Simčič, M., Antoniou, A., Papachristou, D., Koutsouli, P., Rahmatalla, S., Brockmann, G., Sölkner, J., Burger, P., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N., Bizelis, I., Zinovieva, N., Horvat, S., Medugorac, I. (2024) Whole-genome SNP genotyping unveils ancestral and recent introgression in wild and domestic goats. Molecular Ecology, 33, e17190

2024 The genome sequence of the Cretan wall lizard

Poulakakis, N., Lymberakis, P., Stratakis, E., et al. (2024) The genome sequence of the Cretan wall lizard, Podarcis cretensis (Wettstein, 1952) Wellcome Open Research , 9:161

2024 Range-wide phylogeography of the golden jackals (Canis aureus)

Stefanovic, M., Bogdanowicz, W., Adavoudi, R. et all (2024) Range-wide phylogeography of the golden jackals (Canis aureus) reveals multiple sources of recent spatial expansion and admixture with dogs at the expansion front Biological Conservation, 290, 110448

2024 Phylogeography of Dolichophis

Javorčík A., Strachinis I., Thanou E., Kornilios P., Avcı A., Üzüm N., Olgun K., Ilgaz C., Kumlutaş Y., Lymberakis P., Nagy Z.T., Jablonski D. (2024) Phylogeography of Dolichophis Populations in the Aegean Region (Squamata: Colubridae) with Taxonomic Remarks. Diversity 16, 184.

2024 Molecular phylogeny of the common wall lizard Podarcis muralis

Keroglidou, M., Spilani, L., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2024) Molecular phylogeny of the common wall lizard Podarcis muralis (Squamata: Lacertideae) in the southern Balkans. Amphibia – Reptilia, 45(2):171-188

Short Cv

Biologist specialized in ecology.

Ηas published scientific articles, books and book chapters on issues he specializes in, as well as numerous popular articles. Energetically involved in issues
of management, conservation, politics and policies of protected areas, and biodiversity in Greece.

Scopus profile (September 2021) 118 documents, 3336 citations, h-index 32.

Bio CV


2024 Ψηφιοποίηση συλλογών φυσικής ιστορίας του Μουσείου Φυσικής Ιστορίας

Digitization of Greek Natural History Collections & Supply and installation of scientific equipment for the digitization of natural history collections under the project
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 2024 - 2025
Funding: Recovery and Resilience Plan, Greece v 2.0, Next Generation EU (5,724.425€ (2,594.391€ for UoC) )

2024 Συλλογές σπονδυλωτών της ελληνικής πανίδας. Εμπλουτισμός συλλογών ΜΦΙΚ

Ενδυνάμωση των πολιτών να ενώσουν τις δυνάμεις τους με τις δημόσιες αρχές για την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος - ENFORCE
Duration: 2024 - 2026
Funding: Επιτροπή Ερευνών Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης (10.276,63 €)

2023 Ψηλά βουνά, ρηχά νερά: οι επιπτώσεις της κλιματικής αλλαγής σε οργανισμούς που ζουν σε «ακραία» και ευαίσθητα οικοσυστήματα

High mountains, shallow waters: the effects of climate change on organisms living in 'extreme' and sensitive ecosystems
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 1/6/2023 - 1/5/2025
Funding: Green Fund (199.934,89 €)

2023 Κατανενημένο σύστημα μετάβασης επιστημονικών συλλογών στο έργο ERIC – DiSSCo Transition

Κατανενημένο σύστημα μετάβασης επιστημονικών συλλογών στο έργο ERIC - DiSSCo Transition
Duration: 2023 - 2026
Funding: Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή / HORIZON 2020( 4.966,88 €)

2023 Κατανεμημένο σύστημα μετάβασης επιστημονικών συλλογών στο έργο ERIC – DiSSCo Transition

Distributed System of Scientific Collections Transition to ERIC Project – DiSSCo Transition
P.I.: Petros Lymberakis
Duration: 1/12/2023 - 31/5/2024
Funding: European Commission / HORIZON 2020 (6,622.50 €)

2023 Καταγραφή της βιοποικιλότητας ασπόνδυλων οργανισμών και της παρουσίας του ανθρώπου στις βραχονησίδες του Αιγαίου

Monitoring the biodiversity of invertebrate organisms and the human presence on the rocky islands of the Aegean
P.I.: Michalis Probonas
Duration: 1/11/2023 – 11/4/2025
Funding: Natural Environment & Climate Change Agency (N.E.C.C.A.) (103,790.32 €)

2023 Εκτίμηση πληθυσμού και μέτρων προστασίας του Κρητικού Αγριόγατου (Felis silvestris cretensis)

Population assessment and protection measures of the Cretan Wildcat (Felis silvestris cretensis)
P.I.: Petros Lymberakis
Duration: 18/7/2023 - 15/3/2024
Funding: Natural Environment & Climate Change Agency (N.E.C.C.A.) (65,000.00 €)

2022 Εκτίμηση της λιβαδικής κατάστασης και του καθεστώτος βόσκησης επί της νήσου Γυάρου και διαμόρφωση προτάσεων για τη θέσπιση διαχειριστικών μέτρων

Assessment of the meadow condition and the grazing regime on the island of Gyaros and formulation of proposals for the introduction of management measures
P.I.: Petros Lymberakis
1/1/2022 - 31/12/2023
Funding: WWF Hellas (26,970.00 €)

2022 DISSCo Prepare – Κατανεμημένο Συστημα Επιστημονικών Συλλογών – Πρόγραμμα Προπαρασκευαστικής Φάσης

DISSCo Prepare - Distributed System of Scientific Collections - Preparatory Phase Project
P.I.: Petros Lymberakis
24/2/2020 - 28/2/2023
Funding: European Commission / DG Research & Innovation (12,890.63 €)

2022 Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE). HORIZON EUROPE, Type HORIZON-RIA. Coordinator: NATURALIS (Netherlands)

Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE). HORIZON EUROPE, Type HORIZON-RIA. Coordinator: NATURALIS (Netherlands)
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration:18/10/2022 - 28/2/2026
Funding: HORIZON EUROPE, Type HORIZON-RIA (221,238.75€)

2018 Μελέτη αποκατάστασης της παρόχθιας βλάστησης του ποταμού Κοιλιάρη

Restoration study of the riparian vegetation of Koiliaris River
P.I.: Petros Lymberakis
1/12/2018 - 31/3/2020
Funding: Technical University of Crete (TUC) (15,558.60 €)

2008 Παρακολούθηση στοιχείων χλωρίδας και πανίδας και σύγκριση της με τις γειτονικές φυσικές περιοχές της ευρύτερης περιοχής του ΧΥΤΑ Χανίων

Monitoring floral and fauna elements at the proximity of waste management facilities
P.I.: Petros Lymberakis
Duration: 6/11/2008 - 5/11/2009
Funding: Intermunicipal organization for waste management (10,472.00 €)

2006 Μελέτη γενετικών σχέσεων κρητικού ιχνηλάτη

Cretan hound genetic relationships
P.I.: Petros Lymberakis
Duration: 1/9/2006 - 30/11/2006
Funding: Hunting Federation of Crete Dodecanese (3,000.00 €)

2004 Ερευνητικό έργο για την μελέτη του προβλήματος της συσσώρευσης φερτών υλικών στον πυθμένα της λίμνης Αγυιάς Χανίων

Research project to study the problem of the accumulation of floating materials at the bottom of Lake Agia Chania
P.I.: Petros Lymberakis
Duration: 1/12/2004 - 31/7/2015
Funding: Region of Crete / Regional Unit of Chania (6,194.91 €)

Research papers


2024 Whole-genome SNP genotyping unveils ancestral and recent introgression in wild and domestic goats

Pogorevc, N., Dotsev, A., Upadhyay, M., Sandoval-Castellanos, E., Hannemann, E., Simčič, M., Antoniou, A., Papachristou, D., Koutsouli, P., Rahmatalla, S., Brockmann, G., Sölkner, J., Burger, P., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N., Bizelis, I., Zinovieva, N., Horvat, S., Medugorac, I. (2024) Whole-genome SNP genotyping unveils ancestral and recent introgression in wild and domestic goats. Molecular Ecology, 33, e17190

2024 The genome sequence of the Cretan wall lizard

Poulakakis, N., Lymberakis, P., Stratakis, E., et al. (2024) The genome sequence of the Cretan wall lizard, Podarcis cretensis (Wettstein, 1952) Wellcome Open Research , 9:161

2024 Range-wide phylogeography of the golden jackals (Canis aureus)

Stefanovic, M., Bogdanowicz, W., Adavoudi, R. et all (2024) Range-wide phylogeography of the golden jackals (Canis aureus) reveals multiple sources of recent spatial expansion and admixture with dogs at the expansion front Biological Conservation, 290, 110448

2024 Phylogeography of Dolichophis

Javorčík A., Strachinis I., Thanou E., Kornilios P., Avcı A., Üzüm N., Olgun K., Ilgaz C., Kumlutaş Y., Lymberakis P., Nagy Z.T., Jablonski D. (2024) Phylogeography of Dolichophis Populations in the Aegean Region (Squamata: Colubridae) with Taxonomic Remarks. Diversity 16, 184.

2024 Molecular phylogeny of the common wall lizard Podarcis muralis

Keroglidou, M., Spilani, L., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2024) Molecular phylogeny of the common wall lizard Podarcis muralis (Squamata: Lacertideae) in the southern Balkans. Amphibia – Reptilia, 45(2):171-188

2024 KBAscope

Spiliopoulou, K., Rigal, F., Plumptre, A.J., Trigas, P., Paragamian, K., Hochkirch, A., Lymberakis, P. Portolou, D., Stoumboudi, M.T., Triantis, K. (2024) KBAscope: key biodiversity area identification in R. Ecography. 2024: e07061

2024 Cryptic diversity and phylogeographic patterns of Mediodactylus species

Kotsakiozi, P., Antoniou, A., Psonis, N., Sagonas, K., Karameta, E., Ilgaz, Ç., Kumlutaş, Y., Avcı, A., Jablonski, D., Darriba, D., Stamatakis, A., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2024) Cryptic diversity and phylogeographic patterns of Mediodactylus species in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 197, 108091

2023 The skulls of Greek Mammals:

Kargopoulos, N., Mitsainas, G.P., Lymberakis, P., Kiamos, N., Georgiakakis, P., Kryštufek,B. (2023) The skulls of Greek Mammals: The Micromammals. Parnassiana Archives 11 (Supplementum 2) 3-45.

2023 Tarentola mauritanica (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae) in Greece: an update on the species’ distribution, including new records.

Strachinis, I., Lymberakis, P., Tzoras, E. (2023) Tarentola mauritanica (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae) in Greece: an update on the species’ distribution, including new records. Ecologia Balkanica, 15(1), 8-26

2023 Genome sequencing of 2000 canids by the Dog10K consortium advances the understanding of demography, genome function and architecture

Meadows, J.R.S., Kidd, J.M., Wang, GD. et al. (2023) Genome sequencing of 2000 canids by the Dog10K consortium advances the understanding of demography, genome function and architecture. Genome Biol 24, 187.

Books - Chapters in Books


2018 The zoogeographic regions of the Aegean Sea: A multi-taxon approach.

Triantis, K.A., Kougioumoutzis, K., Legakis, A., Anastasiou, I., Andriopoulos, P., Georgiadis, C., Lymberakis, P., Oikonomou, A., Probonas, N., Proios, K., Spaneli, V., Simaiakis, S. M, Trichas, A., Trigas, P., Vardinoyannis, K., Sfenthourakis, S. (2018) The zoogeographic regions of the Aegean Sea: A multi-taxon approach. In S. Sfenthourakis, P. Pafilis, A. Parmakelis, N. Poulakakis & K. A Triantis (Eds.), Biogeography and Biodiversity of the Aegean. In honour of Prof. Moysis Mylonas. (pp. 279-290). Nicosia: Cyprus, Broken Hill Publishers Ltd

2015 48. Declines and conservation of Amphibians in Greece.

Sotiropoulos, K., Lymberakis, P. (2015) 48. Declines and conservation of Amphibians in Greece. In H. Heatwole, J. W. Wilkinson (Eds.), Amphibian Biology, Volume 11: Status of Conservation and Decline of Amphibians: Eastern Hemisphere, Part 4: Southern Europe and Turkey. (pp. 80-84.). Exeter: Pelagic Publishing

2014 The amphibians and reptiles of Cyprus (in greek).

Nicolaou, H., Pafilis, P., Lymberakis, P. (2014) The amphibians and reptiles of Cyprus (in greek)., (pp.241.), Herpetological Society of Cyprus

2012 Natural History of Lesvos: 2. Wild Mammals (in greek).

Valakos, E., Pafilis, P., Papamichail, G., Georgiakakis, P., Lymberakis, P., Simou, Ch., Taxeidis, K. (2012) Natural History of Lesvos: 2. Wild Mammals (in greek)., (pp.221.), National Kapodistrian University of Athens; Natural History Collection of Vrisa, Lesvos, ISBN: 978-960-466-115-2

2011 Elements of Biogeography of Aegean islets (in greek).

Lymberakis, P., Trichas, A. (2011) Elements of Biogeography of Aegean islets (in greek). In K. Chatzimichalis (Eds.), Greekscapes (in greek). (pp. 254-256.). Melissa Publishing House

2009 Crocidura zimmermanni (in greek).

Lymberakis, P. (2009) Crocidura zimmermanni (in greek). In A. Legakis, & P. Maragou (Eds.), The Red Data Book of the Endangered Animals of Greece (in greek). (pp. 375-376.). Athens: Greek Zoological Society ISBN: 978-960-85298-8-5

2008 Chapter 10. Amphibians of the Palaearctic realm.

Anthony, B., Arntzen, J. W., Baha El Din, S., Böhme, W., Cogalniceanu, D., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Croche, P. A., Corti, C., Griffiths, R., Kaneko, Y., Kuzmin, S., Lau, M.W.N., Li, P., Lymberakis, P., Marquez, R., Papenfuss, T., Pleguezuelos, J. M., Rastegar, N., Schmidt, B. R., Slimani, T., Sparreboom, M., Ugurtas, I., Werner, Y., Xie, F. (2008) Chapter 10. Amphibians of the Palaearctic realm. In S. N. Stuart, M. Hoffmann, J. S. Chanson, N. A. Cox, R. J. Berridge, P. Ramani & B. E. Young (Eds.), Threatened Amphibians of the World. (pp. 106-111.). Montseny: Lynx Edicions

2008 Amphibians and Reptiles of Greece.

Valakos, E. D., Pafilis, P., Sotiropoulos, K., Lymberakis, P., Maragou, P., Foufopoulos, J. (2008) Amphibians and Reptiles of Greece., (pp.463.), Chimaira

2002 Mountain areas: problems and management proposals (in Greek). Publication for the Program: LIFE-NATURA 1998 “Conservation – Protection of the Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) in Greece, B4-3200/98/444”.

Grivas, K., Ioannidis, G., Lymberakis, P., Probonas, M. (2002) Mountain areas: problems and management proposals (in Greek). Publication for the Program: LIFE-NATURA 1998 “Conservation - Protection of the Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) in Greece, B4-3200/98/444”., (pp.32.), Natural History Museum of Crete, University of Crete, Heraklion, ISBN: 960-367-012-Χ

2001 South Aegan – Crete – Cyprus. Collaboration for the environment and development (in greek).

Lymberakis, P. (Ed.). (2001) South Aegan - Crete - Cyprus. Collaboration for the environment and development (in greek)., (pp.218.), Region of Crete, Regional Fund; Natural History Museum of Crete, ISBN: 960-367-010-3

Announcements at Conferences


2024 From Islets to high peaks

Stratakis, M., Ioannidis, P., Antoniou, A., Kiamos, N., Bitzilekis, E., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2024) From Islets to high peaks: The "omics" story of Podarcis cretensis. 12th International Symposium on Mediterranean Lacertid Lizards, 27-30 June, 2024, Funchal. Madeira, Portugal

2023 The Differentiation of the genus Apodemus in the Greek Area

Rossiou, N.M., Kiamos, N., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2023) The Differentiation of the genus Apodemus in the Greek Area. -Oral Presentation- 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 Molecular Phylogenetics and Phylogeography of the endemic species of Peloponnese,

Pantagaki, C., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2023) Molecular Phylogenetics and Phylogeography of the endemic species of Peloponnese, Hellenolacerta graeca (Sauria: Lacertidae) -Oral Presentation- 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 Investigation of the evolutionary history of the wall lizard Podarcis erhardii

Poulakakis, N., Foufopoulos, J., Benyr, G., Strachinis, I., Tzoras, I., Asimakopoulos, T., Jablonski, D., Lymberakis, P. (2023) Investigation of the evolutionary history of the wall lizard Podarcis erhardii (Sauria, Lacertidae) in Balkan Peninsula -Oral Presentation- 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 Hybridism to Speciation: A real-time study of evolution

Asimakopoulos, E., Antoniou, A., Karameta, E., Sagonas, K., Kotsakiozi, P., Jablonski, D., Lymperakis,P., Poulakakis, N. (2023) From Hybridism to Speciation: A real-time study of evolution – Oral Presentation - 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCo)

Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2023) Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCo): Recent developments of the Coalitions in Europe and Greece. -Oral Presentation- 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 Cretan Shrew: Old questions, modern approaches

Kiamos, N., Achthoforidou, G., Papadaki, G., Chouli, Z., Poulakakis, N., Lymberakis, P. (2023) Cretan Shrew: Old questions, modern approaches – Oral Presentation - 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 Cretan Shrew: Old questions, modern approaches

Kiamos, N., Achtoforidou, G., Papadaki, G., Chouli, Z., Poulakakis, N., Lymberakis, P. (2023) Cretan Shrew: Old questions, modern approaches. -Oral Presentation- 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 Building whole genome reference resources for studying biodiversity in Greece

Karakasi, D., Dailianis, T., Vasileiadou, K., Tsigenopoulos, C.S., Skouradakis, G., Vernadou E, Sarropoulou, X., Vardinoyiannis, K., Trichas, A., Antaloudaki, E., Bolanakis, G., Fernández, R., Böhne, A., Monteiro, R., Palma-Guerrero, J., Poulakakis, N., Lymberakis, P., Manousaki, T. (2023) Building whole genome reference resources for studying biodiversity in Greece. -Poster Presentation- 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2022 Insights on morbidity causes of Raptors in Greece through ANIMA rehabilitation center admitted cases (poster presentation).

Rallis, G., Ganoti, M., Spyridaki, A., Vezyrakis, A., Akrivos, A., Tsatsou, Ch., Markakis, G., Giannakaki, (2022) Insights on morbidity causes of Raptors in Greece through ANIMA rehabilitation center admitted cases (poster presentation). 15th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions. Mytilini, 12-15 October 2022.


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