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Nikos Poulakakis

Director & Curator of the Genomics and Genetic Resources Department

Status Faculty member
Phone No. +302810393619, +302810393282
Office Β210 (White Buildings, Knossou Campus)

Research interests

Molecular systematics, Phylogeny, Phylogeography, Population Genetics / Genomics extinct and extant animals species


  • 2005: Doctoral Thesis (2002-2005), Biology Department, University of Crete. Subject: Management of Terrestrial and Marine Biological Resources. Thesis title: «Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the wall-lizards Podarcis (Sauria: Lacertidae) in Greek area». Supervision: Prof E. Zouros.
  • 2000: Master’s Degree (1997-2000), Geology Department, University of Athens. Specialization: Historical Paleontology – Stratigraphy. Thesis title: «Investigation of deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) in bones of fossil dwarf elephants from the island of Tilos in the Dodecanese and its applications in taxonomy.» Supervision: Prof. G. Theodorou (University of Athens) and Prof. E. Zouros (University of Crete).
  • 1997: Bachelor’s Degree in Biology (1993-1997), Biology Department, School of Sciences, University of Crete

Recent Publications


2025 On the path to extinction

Maroulis, l., Poulakakis, N., Proios, K., Karakasi, D., Triantis, K.A., Mylonas, M., Vardinoyannis, K. (2025) On the path to extinction: Helix godetiana Kobelt, 1878, the only threatened Helix species in Greece. Nature Conservation 58: 1–10

2024 Whole-genome SNP genotyping unveils ancestral and recent introgression in wild and domestic goats

Pogorevc, N., Dotsev, A., Upadhyay, M., Sandoval-Castellanos, E., Hannemann, E., Simčič, M., Antoniou, A., Papachristou, D., Koutsouli, P., Rahmatalla, S., Brockmann, G., Sölkner, J., Burger, P., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N., Bizelis, I., Zinovieva, N., Horvat, S., Medugorac, I. (2024) Whole-genome SNP genotyping unveils ancestral and recent introgression in wild and domestic goats. Molecular Ecology, 33, e17190

2024 The genome sequence of the Cretan wall lizard

Poulakakis, N., Lymberakis, P., Stratakis, E., et al. (2024) The genome sequence of the Cretan wall lizard, Podarcis cretensis (Wettstein, 1952) Wellcome Open Research , 9:161

2024 The European Reference Genome Atlas

Mc Cartney, A.M., Formenti, G., Mouton, A. et al. (2024) Author Correction: The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralized approach to equitable biodiversity genomics. NPJ Biodivers, 3 , 31

2024 Molecular phylogeny of the common wall lizard Podarcis muralis

Keroglidou, M., Spilani, L., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2024) Molecular phylogeny of the common wall lizard Podarcis muralis (Squamata: Lacertideae) in the southern Balkans. Amphibia – Reptilia, 45(2):171-188

Short CV

Ο Νίκος Πουλακάκης είναι Καθηγητής του τμήματος Βιολογίας, διευθυντής του Μουσείου Φυσικής Ιστορίας Κρήτης του Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης και συνεργαζόμενο μέλος ΔΕΠ του ΙΜΒΒ-ΙΤΕ (υπεύθυνος της ομάδας Παλαιογενωμικής και Εξελικτική Γενετικής – αρχαίο DNA). Σπούδασε Βιολογία (1997) στο Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης, απέκτησε μεταπτυχιακό τίτλο ειδίκευσης (2000) από το τμήμα Γεωλογίας του ΕΚΠΑ και διδακτορικό (2005) από το τμήμα Βιολογίας του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης. Εργάστηκε ως μεταδιδάκτορας ερευνητής από το 2006 έως το 2009 στο Μουσείο Φυσικής Ιστορίας Κρήτης (2006-2007) και στο τμήμα Οικολογίας και Εξέλιξης του Yale University (2007-2009).

Τα ερευνητικά του ενδιαφέροντα εστιάζονται στη μοριακή συστηματική, φυλογένεση, φυλογεωγραφία, πληθυσμιακή γενετική και τη διαχείριση ζωικών κυρίως οργανισμών, σύγχρονων και εξαφανισμένων. Έχει δημοσιεύσει 93 επιστημονικές εργασίες σε περιοδικά με συντελεστή απήχησης (5 ακόμα είναι υπό έλεγχο προς δημοσίευση), 3 βιβλία ή κεφάλαια σε βιβλία, ενώ παράλληλα έχει συμμετάσχει στην μετάφραση 6 εξελικτικών/οικολογικών βιβλίων. Έχει λάβει μέρος σε 27 εθνικά και διεθνή συνέδρια με 102 ανακοινώσεις (προφορικές και αναρτημένες), ενώ έχει συμμετάσχει σε περισσότερα από 30 ερευνητικά έργα (> 4 εκ. €), σε 16 από τα οποία ως ΕΥ ή υπεύθυνος πακέτου εργασίας (> 1εκ. €).

Έχει επιβλέψει 54 πτυχιακές εργασίες προπτυχιακών φοιτητών, 20 διπλωματικές εργασίες μεταπτυχιακών φοιτητών, 12 διπλωματικές εργασίες μεταπτυχιακών φοιτητών ως μέλος της εξεταστικής επιτροπής, 9 διδακτορικές διατριβές, 14 τριμελείς συμβουλευτικές επιτροπές διδακτορικής διατριβής, 12 επταμελείς εξεταστικές επιτροπές διδακτορικών διατριβών και 7 μεταδιδάκτορες ερευνητές. Είναι μέλος των συντακτικών επιτροπών επιστημονικών εργασιών του BMC Zoology και του Journal of Biological Research.

Παράλληλα έιναι μέλος των συντακτικών επιτροπών ερευνητικών έργων του FCT Biological Sciences Evaluation Panel (Portugal) και του Ελληνικού Ιδρύματος Έρευνας και Καινοτομίας (ΕΛΙΔΕΚ), καθώς  και κριτής σε πολυάριθμα επιστημονικά περιοδικά. Είναι μέλος διαφόρων εθνικών και διεθνών μη κερδοσκοπικών εταιρειών και ιδρυτικό μέλος της Ελληνικής Εξελικτικής Εταιρείας.

Bio CV


2024_SUB2d. Αναβάθμιση και εκσυγχρονισμός υποδομών

SUB2d. Upgrade and modernization of biodiversity related infrastructures/ Upgrade of the Natural History Museum of Crete.
P.I: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 2023 - 2025
Funding: Recovery and Resilience Plan, Greece v 2.0, Next Generation EU. (5,444.251 €)

2024 Ψηφιοποίηση συλλογών φυσικής ιστορίας του Μουσείου Φυσικής Ιστορίας

Digitization of Greek Natural History Collections & Supply and installation of scientific equipment for the digitization of natural history collections under the project
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 2024 - 2025
Funding: Recovery and Resilience Plan, Greece v 2.0, Next Generation EU (5,724.425€ (2,594.391€ for UoC) )

2024 Συλλογή δειγμάτων, απομόνωση και αλληλούχηση

Collection of samples, generation of genomic data, and depositing in publicly accessible databases files for two invertebrates in the framework of the project STRENGTHENING COMPUTATIONAL BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH IN GREECE (ERA Chairs - HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-01-01), EU Funding.
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
01/07/2024 - 30/06/2026
Funding: FORTH-Hells (25.000 €)

2024 Πληθυσμιακή γενωμική μελέτη του κινδυνευόντος

Population genomics study of the endangered sponge Spongia officinalis.
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 16/08/2024 - 15/04/2027
Funding: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) (28,800 €)

2024 The inquiry of Cretan endemism patterns and its application in the biodiversity conservation

The inquiry of Cretan endemism patterns and its application in the biodiversity conservation, using genomic, morphological and environmental data in chosen Ar-thropods species.
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2025
Funding: Special Account for Research Funds of University of Crete (SARF UoC) (17,800 €)

2024 THe Genomics of the CrEtan population through hiStory and timE, shaping inflammation and immUne homeoStasis

THESEUS : THe Genomics of the CrEtan population through hiStory and timE, shaping inflammation and immUne homeoStasis.
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 2024 - 2025
Funding: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (399,987.00 €)

2023_Η γενωμική ποικιλότητα του Gypaetus barbatus

The genomic diversity of Gypaetus barbatus and the effects of climate change.
P.I: Michalis Probonas, Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 2023 - 2024
Funding: Private Sector(97,232 €)

2023_Assessing the conservation status of two stenoendemic Mygalomorph spiders in Crete

Assessing the conservation status of two stenoendemic Mygalomorph spiders in Crete using ecological and molecular evidence
P.I: Maria Alexiou-Chatzaki
Duration: 2023 - 2025
Funding: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (10,000 €)

2023 Ψηλά βουνά, ρηχά νερά: οι επιπτώσεις της κλιματικής αλλαγής σε οργανισμούς που ζουν σε «ακραία» και ευαίσθητα οικοσυστήματα

High mountains, shallow waters: the effects of climate change on organisms living in 'extreme' and sensitive ecosystems
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 1/6/2023 - 1/5/2025
Funding: Green Fund (199.934,89 €)

2023 Κατανεμημένο σύστημα μετάβασης επιστημονικών συλλογών στο έργο ERIC – DiSSCo Transition

Distributed System of Scientific Collections Transition to ERIC Project – DiSSCo Transition
P.I.: Petros Lymberakis
Duration: 1/12/2023 - 31/5/2024
Funding: European Commission / HORIZON 2020 (6,622.50 €)

2023 Εκτίμηση πληθυσμού και μέτρων προστασίας του Κρητικού Αγριόγατου (Felis silvestris cretensis)

Population assessment and protection measures of the Cretan Wildcat (Felis silvestris cretensis)
P.I.: Petros Lymberakis
Duration: 18/7/2023 - 15/3/2024
Funding: Natural Environment & Climate Change Agency (N.E.C.C.A.) (65,000.00 €)

2022 Πιστοποίηση πεσόντων 2ου παγκοσμίου πολέμου στο χωριό Άδελε του Ρεθύμνου

Certification of World War II casualties in the village of Adele in Rethymnon
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 2022 - 2024
Funding: Private agency (17,000.00€)

2022 Spectroscopic Screening of Ancient Dental Remains for Optimized Archaeogenetic Analysis (Spectra-Gen)

Spectroscopic Screening of Ancient Dental Remains for Optimized Archaeogenetic Analysis (Spectra-Gen).
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 2022 - 2024
Funding: Theodore Papazoglou FORTH Synergy Grants (80,000.00€)

2022 Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE). HORIZON EUROPE, Type HORIZON-RIA. Coordinator: NATURALIS (Netherlands)

Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE). HORIZON EUROPE, Type HORIZON-RIA. Coordinator: NATURALIS (Netherlands)
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration:18/10/2022 - 28/2/2026
Funding: HORIZON EUROPE, Type HORIZON-RIA (221,238.75€)


Eco-evolutionary dynamics on Cyprus: a multitaxon approach to population differentiation within an isolated island (EVOCYPR)
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 13/1/2020 - 14/10/2022
Funding: EXCELLENCE/0918/0161 of the Program Excellence Hubs RESTART 2016-2020, Cyprus(34,600.90 €)

2020 Γενετική ταυτοποίηση Κρητικού Αιγάγρου

Genomic identification of the Cretan Aegagrus with genomic tools
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 15/6/2020 - 31/12/2021
Funding: Management Body of Samaria National Park (21,571.95€)

2019 Συνεργασία σε ζητήματα ταυτοποίησης ειδών ορνιθοπανίδας που συμμετείχαν σε περιστατικό πρόσκρουσης σε αεροσκάφη, εντός των υπό διαχείριση από τη Fraport Greece περιφερειακών αεροδρομίων

Collaboration on bird species identification issues involved in an aircraft crash incident, within the regional airports that Fraport Greece operates
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration : 20/3/2019 - 14/9/2026
Funding: FRAPORT HELLAS A.E. (12.571,39 €)

2019 Δράσεις ενημέρωσης – ευαισθητοποίησης των πολιτών με σκοπό την ανάδειξη και προστασίατων οικοτόπων και της βιοποικιλότητας της Κρήτης στο ΜΦΙΚ 2017ΕΠ00210024

Public awareness activities for the promotion and conservation of habitats and biodiversity of Crete, in Natural History Museum of Crete 2017ΕΠ00210024
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 2019-10/8/2022
Funding: Region of Crete (974,957.41 €)

2018  Η μελέτη της εξέλιξης σε πραγματικό χρόνο: από τον υβριδισμό στην ειδογένεση)

The study of evolution in real time: from hybridization to speciation
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 15/6/2018 - 31/3/2020
Funding: Hellenic Ministry of Education, Research and Religious affairs (ESPA 2014-2020) (62,650.00€)

2014 Η προσθήκη περισσότερης οικολογίας και γενετικής στην κατανόηση της βιολογικής ποιικιλότητας. Ο ρόλος των νησιών ως φυσικά εργαστήρια

Adding more Ecology and Genomics in understanding of the biological Diversity: the role of islands as natural laboratories
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
18/2/2014 - 31/10/2015
NSFR 2007-2013 programme for development, European Social Fund, Operational Programme, Education and Lifelong Learning investing in knowledge society, Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Co-financed by Greece and the European Union. (395,000.00 €)

2012 Παρακολούθηση αμφιβίων, ερπετών, ασπόνδυλων και χειρόπτερων της προστατευόμενης περιοχής Καρπάθου – Σαρίας.

Monitoring of amphibians and reptiles in Karpathos and Saria islands
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 1/9/2012 - 31/12/2016
Funding: OIKOM Environmental Studies Ltd. (28,119.63 €)

2012 Additional work on the design of the reservoir on the plateau of Omalos, Chania, and the evaluation of the environmental impact of its construction ΚΑΕ80802

Additional work on the design of the reservoir on the plateau of Omalos, Chania, and the evaluation of the environmental impact of its construction ΚΑΕ80802
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 2012 - 2012
Funding: National agency (15,000.00€)

2011 Πανιδική και Χλωριδική Μελέτη της Περιοχής “Βιτσιλιά” Δήμου Σητείας

Faunistic study of Vitsilia area in Siteia (Crete)
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 1/8/2011 - 31/1/2012
Funding: National agency (14,145.00 €)

2011 Διερεύνηση των φυλογενετικών διεργασιών στις σαύρες του γένους Apathya

Molecular phylogeny and historical biogeography of the Anatolian lizard Apathya (Squamata, Lacertidae).
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
11/2/2011 - 10/2/2012
Funding: Special Account for Research Funds of University of Crete (SARF UoC) (2,000.00 €)

2010 Testing Species Boundarios & Phylogeography of the Genus Mesalina in Mediterranean Basin

Testing Species Boundaries & Phylogeography of the Genus Mesalina in Mediterranean Basin
P.I.: Nikos Poulakakis
Duration: 1/9/2010 - 31/10/2011
Funding: Special Account for Research Funds of University of Crete (SARF UoC) (12,589.00 €)

Research papers


2025 On the path to extinction

Maroulis, l., Poulakakis, N., Proios, K., Karakasi, D., Triantis, K.A., Mylonas, M., Vardinoyannis, K. (2025) On the path to extinction: Helix godetiana Kobelt, 1878, the only threatened Helix species in Greece. Nature Conservation 58: 1–10

2024 Whole-genome SNP genotyping unveils ancestral and recent introgression in wild and domestic goats

Pogorevc, N., Dotsev, A., Upadhyay, M., Sandoval-Castellanos, E., Hannemann, E., Simčič, M., Antoniou, A., Papachristou, D., Koutsouli, P., Rahmatalla, S., Brockmann, G., Sölkner, J., Burger, P., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N., Bizelis, I., Zinovieva, N., Horvat, S., Medugorac, I. (2024) Whole-genome SNP genotyping unveils ancestral and recent introgression in wild and domestic goats. Molecular Ecology, 33, e17190

2024 The genome sequence of the Cretan wall lizard

Poulakakis, N., Lymberakis, P., Stratakis, E., et al. (2024) The genome sequence of the Cretan wall lizard, Podarcis cretensis (Wettstein, 1952) Wellcome Open Research , 9:161

2024 The European Reference Genome Atlas

Mc Cartney, A.M., Formenti, G., Mouton, A. et al. (2024) Author Correction: The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralized approach to equitable biodiversity genomics. NPJ Biodivers, 3 , 31

2024 Molecular phylogeny of the common wall lizard Podarcis muralis

Keroglidou, M., Spilani, L., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2024) Molecular phylogeny of the common wall lizard Podarcis muralis (Squamata: Lacertideae) in the southern Balkans. Amphibia – Reptilia, 45(2):171-188

2024 Identification of the 18 World War II

Psonis, N., Vassou, D., Nafplioti, A, Tabakaki, E., Pavlidis, P., Stamatakis, A., Poulakakis, N. (2024) Identification of the 18 World War II executed citizens of Adele, Rethymnon, Crete using an ancient DNA approach and low coverage genomes. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 71, 103060

2024 Cryptic diversity and phylogeographic patterns of Mediodactylus species

Kotsakiozi, P., Antoniou, A., Psonis, N., Sagonas, K., Karameta, E., Ilgaz, Ç., Kumlutaş, Y., Avcı, A., Jablonski, D., Darriba, D., Stamatakis, A., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2024) Cryptic diversity and phylogeographic patterns of Mediodactylus species in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 197, 108091

2023 Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in human mobility patterns in Holocene Southwest Asia.

Dilek, K., Yüncü, Ε., Rodríguez-Varela, R., Altınışık, E. N., Psonis, N., Kashuba, N., Yorulmaz, S., George, R., Kazancı, D.D., Kaptan, D., Gürün, K., Vural, K.B., Vassou, D., Daskalaki, E., Cansu Karamurat, C., Gemici, H.C., Lagerholm, V.K., Dilek Erdal, O., Kırdök, E., Schachner, A., Üstündağ, H., Shengelia, R., Bitadze, L., Özbaşaran, M., Duru, G., Nafplioti, A., Rose, C.B., Gencer, T., Darbyshire, G., Çevik, Ö., Vuruşkan, O., Büyükkarakaya, A.M., Oğuzhanoğlu, U., Günel, S., Tabakaki, E., Aliev, A., Ibrahimov, A., Shadlinski, V., Kılınç, G.M., Atakuman, Ç., Stamatakis, A., Poulakakis, N., Erdal, Y.S., Pavlidis, P., Stora, J., Özer, F., Götherström, A., Somel, M. (2023) Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in human mobility patterns in Holocene Southwest Asia. Current Biology 33:1-17

2023 Genome sequencing of 2000 canids by the Dog10K consortium advances the understanding of demography, genome function and architecture

Meadows, J.R.S., Kidd, J.M., Wang, GD. et al. (2023) Genome sequencing of 2000 canids by the Dog10K consortium advances the understanding of demography, genome function and architecture. Genome Biol 24, 187.

2023 Galapagos giant tortoise trafficking case demonstrates

Quinzin, M.C., Bishop, A.P., Miller, J.M., Poulakakis, N., Tapia, W., Torres-Rojo, F., Sevilla, C., Caccone, A. (2023) Galapagos giant tortoise trafficking case demonstrates (2023) Galapagos giant tortoise trafficking case demonstrates the utility and applications of long-term comprehensive genetic monitoring. Animal Conservation 326(6):826-838

Books - Chapters in Books


2020 Phylogeography of the Fauna of Greece (in greek).

Poulakakis, N. (2020) Phylogeography of the Fauna of Greece (in greek). In P. Pafilis (Eds.), The fauna of Greece: Biology and management of wildlife. Broken Hill Publishers Ltd. Nicosia, Cyrpus.

2018 The Aegean Archipelago: From Zoogeography to Phylogeography.

Poulakakis, N., Parmakelis, A. (2018) The Aegean Archipelago: From Zoogeography to Phylogeography. In S. Sfenthourakis, P. Pafilis, A. Parmakelis, N. Poulakakis & K. A Triantis (Eds.), Biogeography and Biodiversity of the Aegean. In honour of Prof. Moysis Mylonas. (pp. 269-278). Nicosia: Cyprus, Broken Hill Publishers Ltd

2015 Abstracts of the International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 13th ICZEGAR, 7-11 October 2015, Irakleio, Crete, Greece

Poulakakis N., Antoniou, A., Karameta, E., Psonis, N., Vardinoyannis K. (Eds) (2015) Abstracts of the International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 13th ICZEGAR, 7-11 October 2015, Irakleio, Crete, Greece (pp.203.) Hellenic Zoological Society

2009 Abstracts of the International Congress on the Zoogeography, Ecology and Evolution of Eastern Mediterranean, 11th ICZEGAR, 21-25 September, Herakleion, Crete, Greece. 2009.

Poulakakis, N., Vardinoyannis, K. (Eds.) (2009) Abstracts of the International Congress on the Zoogeography, Ecology and Evolution of Eastern Mediterranean, 11th ICZEGAR, 21-25 September, Herakleion, Crete, Greece, (pp.218.) Hellenic Zoological Society ISBN: 978-960-85298-7-8

Biogeography and Biodiversity of the Aegean.

Sfenthourakis, S., Pafilis, P., Parmakelis, A., Poulakakis, N., Triantis, K. (Eds.). (2018) Biogeography and Biodiversity of the Aegean. In honour of Prof. Moysis Mylonas. (pp.299). Nicosia: Cyprus, Broken Hill Publishers Ltd. ISBN: 978-9925-563-78-4.

Amphibians and Reptiles of the Aegean Sea.

Lymberakis, P., Pafilis, P., Poulakakis, N., Sotiropoulos, K., Valakos, E. D. (2018) Amphibians and Reptiles of the Aegean Sea. In S. Sfenthourakis, P. Pafilis, A. Parmakelis, N. Poulakakis & K. A. Triantis (Eds.), Biogeography and Biodiversity of the Aegean. In honour of Prof. Moysis Mylonas. (pp. 169-190). Nicosia: Cyprus, Broken Hill Publishers Ltd

Announcements at Conferences


2024 The Botanical Collections of Natural History Museum

Poulakakis, Ν., Antaloudaki, Ε. (2024) The Botanical Collections of Natural History Museum within the framework of the Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCo). Poster presentation-18th Panhellenic Scientific Conference, Hellenic Botanical Society, Thessaloniki 2-5 October 2024.

2024 Phylogenomics and species delimitation of extant and extinct Galapagos giant tortoises

Ochoa, A., Gaughran, S.J., Gray, R., Miller, J.M., Poulakakis, N., de Queiroz, K., Jensen, E.L., Caccone, A. (2023) Phylogenomics and species delimitation of extant and extinct Galapagos giant tortoises. 3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, 26-30 July, Montreal, Canada

2024 From Islets to high peaks

Stratakis, M., Ioannidis, P., Antoniou, A., Kiamos, N., Bitzilekis, E., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2024) From Islets to high peaks: The "omics" story of Podarcis cretensis. 12th International Symposium on Mediterranean Lacertid Lizards, 27-30 June, 2024, Funchal. Madeira, Portugal

2023 The Enigmatic Conservation Status

Chatzaki, M., Bolanakis, G., Trichas, A., Poulakakis, N., Poursanidis, D. (2023) The Enigmatic Conservation Status of the Endemic Species Chaetopelma lymberakisi (Chatzaki & Komnenov, 2019) on Crete: Vulnerable or Threatened? -Oral Presentation- 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 The Differentiation of the genus Apodemus in the Greek Area

Rossiou, N.M., Kiamos, N., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2023) The Differentiation of the genus Apodemus in the Greek Area. -Oral Presentation- 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 Molecular Phylogenetics and Phylogeography of the endemic species of Peloponnese,

Pantagaki, C., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2023) Molecular Phylogenetics and Phylogeography of the endemic species of Peloponnese, Hellenolacerta graeca (Sauria: Lacertidae) -Oral Presentation- 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 Investigation of the evolutionary history of the wall lizard Podarcis erhardii

Poulakakis, N., Foufopoulos, J., Benyr, G., Strachinis, I., Tzoras, I., Asimakopoulos, T., Jablonski, D., Lymberakis, P. (2023) Investigation of the evolutionary history of the wall lizard Podarcis erhardii (Sauria, Lacertidae) in Balkan Peninsula -Oral Presentation- 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 Hybridism to Speciation: A real-time study of evolution

Asimakopoulos, E., Antoniou, A., Karameta, E., Sagonas, K., Kotsakiozi, P., Jablonski, D., Lymperakis,P., Poulakakis, N. (2023) From Hybridism to Speciation: A real-time study of evolution – Oral Presentation - 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCo)

Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2023) Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCo): Recent developments of the Coalitions in Europe and Greece. -Oral Presentation- 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras

2023 Cretan Shrew: Old questions, modern approaches

Kiamos, N., Achthoforidou, G., Papadaki, G., Chouli, Z., Poulakakis, N., Lymberakis, P. (2023) Cretan Shrew: Old questions, modern approaches – Oral Presentation - 11th Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society, 4-7 October 2023, Patras